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Character: Goshiki Tsutomu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: The baby
Request: GGMZ440

(Goshiki pov)

I was at practice just doing what I can to become the best ace. When I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I look up to see my senpai Tendou. He smirked down at me before speaking, "Hey my favorite first year, I got a question for you?" I tilted my head in confusion and interest, "What is it Tendou-senpai?" He chuckles at my enthusiasm before speaking up, "There have been some rumors that you got yourself, somebody. Are they true?"

My jaw drops as my face erupts in red in a matter of seconds. "I-i um-um w-well you see" I got interrupted by Tendou-senpai laughing. "Chill out Goshiki-Kun no need to be so stressed." Taking a deep breath I decided to answer him. "I do have someone" He immediately wiggles his eyebrows making me blush harder.

"Are they you're alpha?" Tendou asked. That question immediately got the attention of the rest of the gym as if they were interested to know what I was. I chuckle nervously before shaking my head. I heard a couple 'huh' around the gym. Deciding it better to ask my baby to come to my practice, I went and got my phone and he immediately replied with an okay.

"You'll see what I mean when they get here" Everyone nods their head even though they are full of pure confusion.

*time skip*

It was about 10 min after I had texted my baby that we heard a knock at the gym before it opened up. My baby's head peeked in before he fully stepped inside and ran towards me. I laugh as I let go of the volleyball I was holding for him to jump on me wrapping his arms and legs around me.

"Hi baby boy, I missed you" "I missed you too, Tomu" We smiled at each other. I turn to the rest of my team my baby still in my arms. "This is what I meant when I shook my head" they nodded their heads and congratulated me on finding a lover.

"Is it alright for me to leave early?" I asked but before anyone could answer (M/n) spoke up. "Tomu you can't leave you to have to become the best Ace and leaving practice early for me won't help" I laugh at his statement before pecking his lips, "It's okay baby, so can I leave or not?" They all agree to let me go. I pack my stuff up and leave with my baby still in my arms.

(Semi pov)

We watch Goshiki leave before Tendou sighed and pouted, "Who would have guessed the baby of the team isn't a baby at all" we all chuckled at his statement before we returned to practice.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if it's a bit short I don't know a lot about Goshiki and I wouldn't want to get something wrong. I love you my sweet potatoes muah

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