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Character: Asahi Azumane
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: My teddy bear
Request: N/a
Thanksgiving special
*Some males have reproductive systems*

(M/n pov)

I yawn and look over to my side to see Asahi sleeping peacefully. I kiss his forehead before getting out of bed. I go to the bathroom and shower, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. Once I finished getting ready I went downstairs and made breakfast before starting on the Thanksgiving dinner. I told Asahi my parents were coming for Thanksgiving but in reality, his whole team was coming to celebrate with us.

I hum while cooking, completely oblivious to the figure leaning in the doorway watching me with a small smile. I turn around a scream at the top of my lungs. "Asahi!!" He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. "Sorry, darling didn't mean to scare you" I stare up at him.

People tell me that ever since Asahi and I got together I was able to get him out of his shell. I've helped him with his anxiety. I put my hand on his cheek and gently run my thumb against his cheek. "It's okay darling. Breakfast is ready so go ahead and eat. And please stay out of the kitchen while I cook, I don't want you to get burnt or anything" he nods his head and pecks my lips before taking his breakfast and sitting at the table. Afterward, Asahi went to the living room and chilled. I told him it was okay even though he begged me to allow him to help.

*time skip brought to you by rolling thunder*

I have been cooking for a while. It's around 4:30 pm when I finished. I walk up to Asahi and tell him we should get ready. "When are your parents going to arrive?" Asahi asked as we got ready. Just as I was about to answer him, my phone buzzed. I looked over and saw that Suga texted me.


Hey, I picked everyone up and we are almost there. Have Asahi open the door I want to see his shocked face.

My favorite child~

Okay, Sugamama I'll do just that.

I turn towards my Asahi and tell him they'll be here soon. We head downstairs and he helps me set up the dinner table in the backyard with the food and lights. As I was finishing up the middle of the table we heard the doorbell ring. I smiled and tell Asahi to open the door. I immediately went after him and he opens the door ready to greet my parents only to be met by his entire team. Asahi seemed to freeze and he turned towards me, "You see them too right?" We all laugh at his reaction and Daichi slapped his back.

"Come on to the backyard that's where the food is at," I state we all head to the backyard Asahi still a little stiff from being surprised like that but before I could get too far Suga grabbed my arm. "HOW IS MY GOD CHILD" he whispered-yelled. I giggled, "They're well sugar mama" he tilted his head in confusion. "They're??" I smile brightly, "I'm having twins" Suga looked super ecstatic. We head to the backyard and the party started.

*time skip*

I smiled gently before standing up getting the attention of everyone. Suga handed me a box and I handed it to Asahi. He looked extremely confused but took the present. He looked at me and I smiled, "open it." He opens it and pulled out a shirt. He started to read it aloud, "Number 1 Daddy" everyone's jaws dropped except for Suga and mine. Heck, even Tsukishima was shocked. "What does this mean?" Asahi asked looking extremely confused like he didn't process it. "You're going to be a dad Asahi I'm pregnant..... with twins"

Suddenly, I'm gently picked up by the new father himself and pecked all over my face. He puts me back down and wraps his arms around my shoulder, he kissed my temple. He turned to the guys and yelled, "I'm going to be a father" they all cheered and the party went on.

*time skip*

It was now night time and everyone had gone home and Asahi and I were laying in bed. Asahi is gently rubbing my belly as my back was to his chest. I turn towards him. His hand moved up to my cheek, he gave me an Eskimo kiss before speaking up. "Thank you for making me a better person. Thank you for making me a father. Thank you for accepting my anxiety filled self"

"I should be thank you for loving me and allowing me to get into your heart." He kissed my lips once more and spoke again.

"I love you and that will never change" he smiled

I smiled back, "I love you too, my giant teddy bear"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one is a little longer. I feel like Asahi needs more love so here we go. Happy Thanksgiving if you do celebrate it, if not Happy regular day hehe~ Have a great day and I love you my sweet potatoes

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