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Character: Matsukawa Issei
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I would love to go out with you

(Matsukawa pov)

"You do realize that you won't ever get with him unless you ask him out, right?" I heard Hanamaki whisper from beside me. I glared at him before sighing and putting my hand in my hands, "Don't you think I know that Makki. It's just he's nice and pretty. I'm an alpha and I can't grow a pair and ask him if we could go on a date." Hanamaki patted my back in pity, "I'm pretty sure he'll say yes." I groaned before rubbing my temples and got ready to speak again but got interrupted by a sweet voice, "Hey Matsukawa, are you okay?" I looked up and caught sight of the sweet omega that is, (M/n).

I stood up making their chair, I was sitting on squeak from how fast I did. "O-oh umm I'm fine (M/n). Thanks for asking" he smiled brightly and put his hand on my shoulder, "Anytime Matsukawa." With that, he walked out of the classroom everyone else following behind. I stared in the direction he left for a bit before snapping out of it by smacking myself. Hanamaki stared at me like I was a complete psychopath. "The fuck?" A bright red blush settled on my cheeks without my permission, "He spoke to me." I grabbed his shoulders and began shaking him, "He. Freaking. Spoke. To. Me." I stopped shaking him when I realized that he looked like he was about to pass out.

'I think I see his soul leaving him.' I thought before closing my throat and standing him up straight. "You okay there, Hanamaki?" I asked a little worried about my best friend. He nodded his head before his eyes widened. "We're late for practice," he screeched. We grab our stuff and make a run towards the gym knowing full well that if we're even a minute late we're going to hear it from Iwaizumi. We burst through the gym doors only to see (M/n) standing in front of Oikawa with his back turned to him and pouting. "(N/n)-chan~ please I'm sorry I didn't mean it." We hear Oikawa say as fat tears run down his cheeks. "No, Onii-chan that wasn't nice at all. Yes, I do like that person but it doesn't mean you can bash them in front of me."

"Umm, what's going on here?" Asked Hanamaki because he knew I was too distracted to say anything. Everyone looked at us and just as Iwaizumi was about to say something Oikawa pointed an accusing finger towards me, "YOU!!" He yelled. I stared at him in confusion before I pointed at myself, "Yes you. You tainted my precious little brother." I stared at him like he was a psychopath. He began to approach me but before he could (M/n) kicked his rib. Everything was quiet as Oikawa fell to the ground holding onto his rib. "Wahhhh (N/n)-chan~ you wounded me" Oikawa cried out to which (M/n) simply rolled his eyes before walking over to me.

He stood in front of me as he balanced himself on the balls of his heels. "Sooo I asked onii-chan if you were single and he said you were. Is that true?" I stared at him in complete shock before I nodded my head since the words wouldn't leave my mouth. He smiled brightly before bowing, "Please go out with me?" Everyone was quite well except for Oikawa who was trying to tell me to reject him and asking (M/n) how he could betray him. I paused before smiling softly and scratching the back of my neck, "I would love to go out with you" He smiled brightly before kissing my cheek and running off. But before he got too far he yelled, "See you Saturday for our date"

*Flashback end*

"And that was the story of how Matsukawa and (M/n) started dating. He couldn't grow a pair so (M/n) had to be the one to ask him. Good thing he did because Matsukawa and he would have never found their soulmate in each other." Hanamaki says into the mic. Everyone laughed and clapped for our silly love story. (M/n) leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I'm glad one of us dared to ask the other out." I smiled and whispered back, "Me too. I love you, darling." He giggled, "I love you too, Issei"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Twin Brother! Oikawa Tooru x Daichi Sawamura

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