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Character: Aone Takanobu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Gentle Giant
Request: N/a
I feel like this baby needs lots of love so I'm going to write a story about him.

(M/n pov)

Aone and I have been dating for a while though not many people know because Aone is afraid to show affection out of the house after an incident that happened. You're probably wondering what happened. Since Aone is considerably taller than me and looks somewhat 'scary' to must people it came as a big surprise when we were at the park one day and got surrounded by cop cars talking to Aone saying and claiming that he had kidnapped me and that if he didn't return me now they were going to shoot him.

Poor baby was so scared. He was literally was so traumatized after, luckily I was able to calm the situation down after showing them my identification and that I was just short and looked like a child. The police department apologized and tried to pay us to stop us from giving them a lawsuit.

It had been months since that incident but he still is afraid to hold my hand in public.

Anyway enough about that. I was on my way to pick up the gentle giant from one of his week-long volleyball camps.

*time skip*

I wait outside by the gate. I see all the teams lining up to take their leave when I see Aone I get out of my car. I see Futakushi tap Aone shoulder making him look at him and then Futakushi pointed towards me. Once Aone and I make eye contact, I smile a wave. He blushes ever so slightly but walks over to me anyway.

Once he was in front of my I put my hands on his chest. "Hi love, was the training camp fun?" He nods his head. "Make any new friends?" He nods his head again. I hum happily. "I missed you darling" he takes a deep breath and leans down and pecks my lip. My eyes go wide as he mumbles "Missed you too." We hug each other and I smile at him.

"I love you so much, my gentle giant"

He blushes "I love you too"


Sorry if it's short. I have a lot of assignments due. I'll try to make a better Aone story in the future

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