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Character: Yaku Morisuke
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: Taken
Request: delevisirti

(Yaku pov)

Recently, without the team realizing it I have been trying to keep out of practice and have been going home early. Unfortunately, today is one of the days where I have to show up to practice. But the good thing is that the coach understands my situation so he left me with the duty to help Lev with his receives.

As I was helping Lev I noticed that the position he was in to catch receives was wrong so I corrected him. He still didn't do it right so I got mad and almost kicked him but I held myself back. "Just show me, Yaku-senpai" I rolled my eyes before putting myself in the position that you would have to receive.

Before I could even speak Lev came behind me and set himself to where his chest was on my back and so that he could replicate my position. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You know Yaku-senpai? If I ever got the chance to take you to a room I'd fuck you so hard that the only thing you would remember was my name" I gasp before pushing him away in pure disgust.

"WHAT THE FUCK LEV? YOU'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING." All eyes were on Lev and me. I glare at him way harder than before "You're nasty as hell. And the fact that your ass has the fucking audacity to say some dumb shit as that fucking disgusts me. Not only did your ass say that to someone who is fucking pregnant but also very much taken thank you."

"Oh and another thing is that if my lover ever found out you said that shit to me you'd be fucking six feet under." And with that, I walked out of the gym.

*time skip*

It has been a couple of days since the incident with Lev and all of the team has been trying to get me to bring my lover to practice so that they could meet him. In the end, I gave in only because I wanted Lev to be scared shitless by my lover.

I walked into the gym not really in the mood to deal with much. But I knew (M/n) was going to visit me so that made me the tiniest bit happy.

(M/n pov)

I was making my way towards Nekoma's gym. Once I was in front of the door I knocked and stepped inside. All eyes were on me, I looked around and my eyes stopped on a lanky grey-haired male with green eyes. I walk towards him and stare down at him before grabbing his shirt.

I turn my head towards Mori, "Is this the asshole babe?" He nods his head which made me turn back to the lanky ass bitch. I glare at him and he begins to tremble in my hold. I let go of him and walked over to Mori. I pull him into a hug and gently peck his lips.

"Not so nice to meet you, fuckers. Names (L/n) (M/n) and I'm Mori's boyfriend. And if you" I start pointing over at the lanky grey-haired piece of shit, "Come anywhere near Mori and my child again and I won't hesitate to put you six feet under get this through your head."

"Mori is taken. T-a-k-e-n. Get it?" The lanky bitch was quick to nod his head. I let out a sigh before I began to listen and answer all the stupid questions that his team had to ask. But I knew that even if Mori didn't want to admit it I knew he has been wanting to show me off to his team.

I feel a tug on my shirt making me look down at Mori. I smile at him before pecking his lips and whisper and 'I love you'.

"I love you too" he whispered.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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