C.S~ Kageyama

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Character: Kageyama Tobio
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Best Cookies
Request: justanotheroneweeb

(M/n pov)

I was laying on my couch wearing Tobio's hoodie, shorts, and thigh highs just chilling when I heard my doorbell ring. I stood up and went to see who was at the door. I looked through the peephole and to my surprise, it was Tobio with a big blush on his face and holding two bags.

I opened the door and spoke up, "Tobio, what are you doing here? I thought you were gonna go practice with Hinata" he looked down and blushed harder, "Boke I w-wanted yo spend today with you, so shut up boke and let me in it's cold." I giggled and let him in.

He hands me the bags before beginning to take off his coat and shoes. Just as I was about to look into the bags he takes them away from me again and began walking towards the kitchen which in turn made me follow him. "What's in the bags Tobio? Why can't I see what's inside?" I questioned.

He turned around and was about to answer me but I guess he finally realized what I was wearing. He blushed bright red before speaking, "W-what are you wearing b-boke? A-and it's what I wanted to do w-with you, only if you want too" he said looking away.

I giggle a bit before speaking, "I got cold and I missed you and I had your hoodie so it worked out." He nodded his head with an even bigger blush. He set the bags down on the counter before walking over to me and putting his hands on my waist. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, he leaned down at pecked my nose.

"I-i missed you too boke" after he said that he let go of me and started to take the stuff out of the bags. Once he started doing that I realized that the reason he was here was that he wanted to make Christmas-themed cookies with me which made me smile happily.

"So this was your idea?" He nodded awkwardly making me smile bigger. I ran off into the pantry and found two aprons and brought them back and handed one to him. He stared at me in pure confusion before putting it on. I tied it for him and he tied mine up and we began making the dough for the cookies.

I smirked and threw some flour in his face. He glared at me before throwing some in my face. "All men for themselves" I took a bag of flour and hid behind the counter far away from him, he did the same. I saw him peek his head out of the side so I climbed on top of the counter before quietly crawling towards where he was hiding.

I took a handful and threw it on top of his head, he gasped and glared at me before sputtering out some flour. We stared at each other before bursting out in laughter. As we were laughing we heard a ding come from the oven informing us that it was ready for the cookies to be placed in.

We put the different shaped cookies into the oven. "I'll watch the cookies while you got to take a shower," I said. Tobio nodded and went ahead. Once he was out I made my way to my bathroom and took a shower. Once I finished I went ahead and changed into a similar outfit to what I had before. I went to the kitchen to see the cookies out of the oven and Tobio washing the dishes, shirtless and in grey sweatpants.

*time skip*

After Tobio finished doing the dishes we laid down on the couch and watched a movie while waiting for the cookies to get cool. Once they were cool we paused the movie and made our way back towards the kitchen. "Let's have a competition to see who does the best cookies," I said. He glared at me before speaking, "How will we choose who won?" "We can send a picture into the teams' group chat and boom they can choose" He agreed we each grabbed our cookies and what we wanted to use to decorate and set a timer for 30 minutes. "Ready, Set, Go"

*time skip*

Ding ding ding

"Okay times up Tobio." I smiled down at my cookies lowkey proud of how they came out.

" I smiled down at my cookies lowkey proud of how they came out

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I walked towards tobio with my plate and showed them to him. He saw mine and then looked backed down at his with a big pout on his face. He picked them up and made his way towards the trash. I was quick to set my down before running over to him and stopping him from throwing them away. I looked down at them and almost burst out in laughter when I saw them.

 I looked down at them and almost burst out in laughter when I saw them

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"Don't throw them away Tobio. I like them they're cute." He pouted some more and I smiled and leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips. "Let's not show the guys, these are the best cookies ever by the way." He agreed and we spent the night cuddling and eating his cookies.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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