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Character: Kenma Kozume
Type: Smut💦
Story Name: My pudding

(M/n pov)

I had just reached Kenma's house and when I entered I couldn't help but frown at the sweet smell that was surrounding the entire house. After setting down my bag by the door and taking off my shoes I followed the scent and it led the way to the root of the scent. The scent trail leads me to the door of Kenma's bedroom, getting closer the sounds of high pitch moans made their way towards my ears. My chest rumbled a bit in anticipation of what awaited behind the closed door. I opened the door slowly and thanked all the gods for blessing me with the most amazing view in the entire world.

The person emitting the amazing smell and making the moans throughout the house was none other than my fiancé, Kenma. I smirked when I realized that my omega was on his heat. Kenma's body was on display as he was fingering himself furiously. I went completely unnoticed by him as he continued to finger himself. He also had a blanket of sweat covering his golden skin. His lips were red and swollen from being bitten and as he continued to let out loud sounds of pleasure. I continued to watch him from the door as he had four fingers up his slicked-up hole. He threw his head back when he began jerking himself off at the same time, "Y-yes oh yes... alpha j-just like that fuck me like that." My eyes widened when I realized that he was fingering himself to the thought of me.

Quietly as possible I walked into the room and grabbed a hold of Kenma's wrist. I locked them above his head with one hand while he stared at me in complete shock that I caught him masturbating. "Well, Well, Well didn't expect to catch you being such a dirty omega. Thinking about your alpha as you finger your dirty hole." I leaned down towards his ear and whispered, "Tell me pudding, did your fingers feel better than my cock?" He blushed and closed his eyes in embarrassment but didn't say anything. I grabbed his face with my free hand before pecking his lips, "Come on pudding, tell me and I might just help you out with this" I stated as I rubbed his hard-on with my knee. He blushed harder before he stuttered out a response to my question, "N-no alpha. My f-fingers are good enough. M-my alpha's c-cock is the best." I smirked before pecking his lips and his neck, "Good boy. Alright, I'll help you out."

"A-Ah there y-yes right there. (M/n)." Kenma moaned loudly, his hands fisting at the sheets and his back arching off the bed. I was in between his thighs eating him out without slowing down the pace. I kept my hands on his thighs to keep them from suffocating me. "Oh my god, (M/n) please," Kenma pleaded with teary eyes. I continued to eat him out until I knew he was wet enough for something else. I stood from my position and smirked down at Kenma as I licked his slick off my fingers, "Who knew you were so loud and lewd, Kenma? Can't imagine what your fans would think of you" He whined loudly, "Fuck me please just do something or I'll finish myself off!"

It might've been the glare that I was given but I immediately took off pants and underwear in a second leaving me standing naked and proud as my erection. I watched as Kenma pressed his legs to try and get some pleasure since I wasn't touching him anymore. I pulled them away from each other and wrapped them around my waist and I nudged my tip at his entrance teasingly. I leaned down and nuzzled my face in his scent glands and nibbled along his jawline. I rocked my dick back and forth slowly across his slicked-up hole, making Kenma whine in restless. I finally lined himself up and pushed in roughly making Kenma cry out then sigh in relief. I continued to thrust into him as he moaned and whine loudly. He wrapped his arms around my neck before I hit his sweet spot making him moan loudly and scratch at my back.

"Ye-Yes, cum inside me, Give it all to me" Kenma clenched down on my cock and came hard. I wasn't far behind, I continued my thrusts before I came inside. I fail to his side and make no move to pull out yet. "Are you okay, my pudding?" He nodded his head, his eyes slowly closing. As I was about to pull out he put his hand on my hip, "Don't." I nodded my head and kissed his temple, "I love you, pudding." He hummed, "I love you too"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Matsukawa Issei (Omegaverse)

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