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Character: Yamaguchi Tadashi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: We choose each other
*Fantasy AU*

(M/n pov)

"YAMABABY I'M HERE" I yelled as I slammed open his room door. I stifled a laugh when I looked over at him because he was on the ground with his eye wide staring at me with fear in his eyes. I laughed loudly before walking over to him and extending my hand out. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he let out a couple of breaths before shaking his head, "It's okay I know it wasn't intentional. Anyway, why are you here? It's not that I'm not happy to see you. It's just surprising that your overprotective parents let you out of the castle." He said as he grabbed my wrist and brought me towards his balcony where we stood next to the railing. I shrugged my shoulder before I spoke up, "They didn't let me out, they came with me. They had told me that they were coming here to speak to your parents about something important. I had just snuck away from them as soon as we got here because I wanted to see you."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Yamaguchi blush a bit before he cleared his throat, "What do you think your parents wanted to talk about with mine?" He asked seeming a bit worried, "I'm not sure but maybe it has to do with us becoming the proper age to finally pick a fiancée." His eyes widened before he nodded his looking a bit sad. Without looking at him I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles, "Don't worry Yams. I'll never pick anyone that isn't you" I could tell he was flustered because his grip tightened on my hand before he covers his face with his free hand. "(M/n)?" "Yes, my prince" "Are you sure you want me as your fiancée. I've seen some of the other princess/princes in the country and they are far better looki-" I stopped him halfway by pulling him into my chest and gently caressing his face.

"Listen here Yams. There is no one in this world that I want more than you. This might seem like we are going too fast considering we only got together secretly about 2 years ago but you're the love of my life. I'd take a bullet for you. You mean the absolute world to me and before you say anything else you are the kindest and sweetest thing in this world and you look way better than any of those princess/princes." He looked at me with tears in his eyes before he smiled brightly and pulled me into a short but sweet kiss. As we pulled apart we heard a knock come from his room door.

We momentarily looked at each other before we held hands and squeezed them lightly. We let go and walked towards the door before he opened it. There stood one of the many butlers looking a bit panicked, "I'm sorry to disturb you, your highnesses, but your parents request your presence in the main hall." We looked at each other before nodding our heads a bit. We thanked the butler for delivering the message before we began what felt the most suspenseful and scariest walk on the planet. Finally arriving at the main door I could tell Yamaguchi was extremely nervous so I took the initiative and opened the door.

Walking inside I saw our parents watching us as if they were trying to find something off about the way we looked. We stood next to each other and I spoke up first, "You requested our presence?" I asked. My mother nodded her head, "Yes we did. As you guys may already know once a prince comes of age they have to choose a fiancée." We slowly nodded our heads, "Well we know that we have to let you guys choose and we cannot object considering this will be the person you spend the rest of your life with" Yamaguchi's father stated. "So please choose who you want to spend your life with. If you already have someone in mind" my father said.

Almost immediately I grabbed Yamaguchi's hand and nodded my head at him before we spoke up at the same time, "We choose each other." They all looked a bit surprised before Yamaguchi's mother spoke up with a bright smile on her face, "Very well you have our blessings. Y'all will rule our kingdoms with kindness and care" we bowed at them to thank them before we hugged each other out of pure happiness.

"I love you so much, Yams"

"I love you too (N/n)"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kita Shinsuke (Fantasy AU)

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