Brother! Kenma x Kuroo

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Character: Brother! Kenma Kozume and Kuroo Tetsurou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Stop your thoughts right there

(Kuroo pov)

Kuroo: Hey Ken, can I come over? I'm extremely bored

I pout when I didn't get a response immediately. I put my phone down on the kitchen counter before making myself some breakfast. It's Saturday morning and I have nothing to do and the one person who wanted to spend the day with me won't even answer me because he's busy playing video games. As I took a bite out of my breakfast I heard my phone go off.

Kenma: Yes. Playing games. Ttyl

I rolled my eyes at his message before I finished up my food. I walked back to my room and grabbed a change of clothes and took a shower. I finished taking a shower and changing. I grabbed some necessities which included snacks and actual food for Kenma. And with that, I made my way down the block towards Kenma's house. Since his house was like a ten-minute walk I arrived pretty quickly. I knocked on the door and waited for his mom to open up the door. Usually, his mom opens the door for me because Kenma is too busy playing video games. 

I frowned a bit when the door wasn't opened. I pulled out my phone to text Kenma to ask him if he could open it up. But before I could I heard two voices one I recognized as Kenma's and another that I've never heard before but was deeper than Kenma's. Suddenly, the door opened to someone taller than me by at least four inches. But the main thing I noticed was that he was shirtless, which showed off his amazing structure. Two he had a sleeve tattoo that went up to his left peck as well as he had a bunch of piercings including nipple piercing. And three he looks like an older version of Kenma.

He looked me up and down before he turned towards the stairs and yelled, "Kenma there's a guy here who looks like he went through hell and back with his hair. You know him?" "Yeah let him in" Kenma yelled back from his room, I'm guessing. He opened the door fully and moved out of the way to let me in. Once I was inside he closed the door as I took off my shoes. "You can head towards Kenma's room," he said while looking me up and down. I blushed a bit flustered from how his eyes were looking at every bit of my body. "Okay" after saying that I quickly made my way towards Kenma's room.

I stepped inside Kenma's room and immediately rolled my eyes as I looked at him. He looked like he hadn't slept since I dropped him off on Friday after school. He also had diet coke and snacks around him. I sighed, "Kenma I got two questions. One, when was the last time you ate actual food? And two, who was that fine ass man who opened the door?" He frowned before he began raging, "Suck my dick stupid ass game. And to answer your questions, last time I ate was this morning and the person who opened that door was my older brother." I stared at him in surprise but before I could say anything someone else spoke up, "That is what you get you cheating bitch. Ain't nobody tells you to continue playing while I made you food."

I heard Kenma hiss at his brother making him laugh at his reaction. Kenma's brother walked over to him before he smacked the back of his head, "Don't hiss at me you weirdo." Kenma pouted as his brother sat on the beanbag next to Kenma. "So what's your name, bed-head cutie?" I blushed before speaking up, "I'm Kuroo Tetsurou. How come I've never heard about you from Kenma?" "Ha knew Kenma didn't like talking about me. Anyway, I'm Kozume (M/n) and it's nice to meet you Kuroo." He smirked before he extended his hand towards me. I smiled back with a small blush on my cheeks before I grabbed his hand and shook it.

I couldn't help but notice how his hands are so much bigger than mine. 'Damn I'd let his fine ass wrap his hands around my throat as he fucked me senseless.' "Stop your thoughts right there" I heard Kenma say as he glared at me. I let go of his brother's hand before pouting and sitting on the bed. "So mean" I whispered as I watched them play video games with each other.

*flashback end*

"Hey Ku, is everything okay? You've been staring at me cook for the last five minutes" I smiled and shook my head, "Ah sorry honey. I swear I didn't mean to space out. It's just I was thinking about when we first met. And how I thought how great it would be to have your hand around my throat as we fucked and how Kenma called me out on it" I said as I chuckled. He smirked and grabbed my chin, "Don't I do that every night?" I blushed nodded my head. "I love you, Ku," He said as he chuckled a bit. "I love you too," I said smiling brightly.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Cheater! Bokuto Kotarou x Hinata Shoyo

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