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Character: Akaashi Keiji
Type: Angst💔, Fluff Ending☁️
Story Name: Worried
Request: fanficz0z
⚠️The reader is the bottom⚠️

(Akaashi pov)

I was sitting on the living room couch worried as hell for my boyfriend. I have called him over six times and each time it's gone straight to voice-mail. And the thing that worries me is that he has been doing this the last couple of weeks and I can't help but feel like something more is going on.

*time skip*

I hear a car door slam before my boyfriend walked in. As soon as he sees me his eyes go wide.

"Keiji, honey, what are you doing up? It's late" he asked.

I stood up and promptly glared at him. He flinched at the intensity of my glare. "Where the fuck were you, huh? Why didn't you answer your phone? Who the fuck were you with, huh?" I stated.

(M/n pov)

I glare at Keiji before I started to tear up and began speaking, "Keiji I don't know what you thi-" he immediately interrupted. "Are you cheating on me? Is that why your phone was off?"

I stare at him wide-eyed at the accusation. I can feel the anger rise in me as he continues to accuse me of different things. I didn't hear anything other than the last thing he said, "I bet you did cheat on me cause you're that much of a whore for dick"

Everything around me seemed to pause the moment he said that. I look at him stare. His eyes go wide as he realized what he said, "Wait shit so-" I cut him off. "No don't. You said what you said. I don't want to hear it" I dig my hand into my jacket before I throw a ring box at him. After I throw that at him I simply just start making my way to our bedroom, right before I walked in I turned towards him.

"Sorry, I came home late while trying to pay for that. And as for my phone, since I'm always late to come home I fall asleep straight away so I never have the time to put it to charge." His eyes widen even more. I walked into our bedroom and look at the door. As soon as I was out of his view I started crying.

*time skip~ morning*

I wake up and see that I'm alone in my room. 'Guess last night did happen'. After taking a shower and putting on more comfortable clothes. Opening the door to the bedroom I heard a thud. Looking down at my feet there was Keiji asleep on the ground in his hand the ring I threw at him and a rose.

I gently shake him awake. "Akaashi wake up. I might be mad at you but I don't want you to hurt your back" Slowly but surely he woke up and once he saw it was me he stood up and took me into his arms.

"(M/N), I'm so so sorry. I should've never said that to you. Trust me when I say I never wanted to hurt you. It just when you haven't been coming home on time and the fact that your phone has been turned off. I got worried and things that I didn't mean came out. Please you don't even have to forgive me right now.. Just please give me a chance to make it up to you." While he said that he gently grabbed my hands.

I stared up at him before I take one of my hands and put it on his cheek gently caressing it. "Keiji, I love you so so much. Even though I was just trying to surprise you. I feel like we should have more trust in this relationship." He nodded his head. "I'll give you a second chance as long as you are more willing to work on us." He nods his head so fast that it looked like it was going to fall off. I giggled he leaned down and pecked my lips.

"I love you so so much baby boy and thank you darling for giving me another chance. And sorry for worrying so much when I should've just trusted you"

"I love you too, Keiji. And it's okay and let's work on this together."

I hoped you guys enjoyed it. Here is another story. Honestly, I'm not the best at angst but I hope you guys liked this.

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