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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You did well
⚠️Season 1 Spoilers⚠️

(M/n pov)

I watched from the benches as Tsukishima played it against Aoba Johsai. Couldn't help but feel like I was on the edge of my seat as I watched my lover and his team play their hardest against that team. Just as I thought they were going to win Oikawa and Iwaizumi went ahead and slammed the ball down onto the Karasuno side of the court. Everything went quiet in the gym for about 30 seconds and then cheering was heard from Aoba Johsai and their school. I watch as my lover stood in his place without moving for a minute before they lined up and bowed. I could tell that he was trying his absolute hardest not to cry, even though he thinks of this as just some stupid club I know deep down he loves it here, he loves playing, and he loves the little family that he got from joining the team.

I was standing outside waiting for him to come out from the gymnasium. As soon as he came out and made eye contact with me I could tell that he wanted to cry but he wasn't going to do it in front of everyone. I walked over to him and open my arms and he quickly grabbed onto me as his life depended on it. I gently played with his hair before kissing his temple. Everyone on the team was looking at me, some in confusion and some in shock that Tsukishima would allow somebody to touch him. I pulled away from the hug and gently grabbed his hand before beginning to pull him away. As I passed by coach Ukai I made sure to silently tell him that I was taking Tsukishima with me.

I took him towards my car and drove him home. As we arrived at his house I parked by the front and I could tell that he wanted to tell me that I should go home but at the same time, he wanted me to stay with him. He suddenly looked up at me with slight tears in his eyes before speaking up in a slight whisper, "Can you stay with me?" I smiled a bit before nodding my head. We went ahead and got them from my car and he grabbed his things before we walked into his house. He grabs my wrist before dragging me to his room. I have been to his room multiple times but every single time it surprises me just how many Dino stuffy and Dino figurines he has. He continued to pull me until we were near his bed to which he turned around and wrapped his arms around me before laying his head on my shoulder. We were standing but he seems to be comfortable so I just begin to rub his back. I hummed something to call him down before pecking his head.

I smiled a bit before taking him down onto his bed to where he was laying on top of me and I was laying on my back, his head on my chest. I gently began playing with his hair but before I continued anything I took off his glasses so he was comfortable. He rested his chin on my chest before looking at me I could tell that he had something to say. I smiled gently at him before speaking up, "What's wrong, darling? You know you can tell me anything" he stared at me before sighing a bit, "I um just feel like I could've done more today" I gently pecked his forehead before speaking, "You did well my omega and there's no need to bring everything onto yourself. I promise you I'm proud of you baby boy" he stared at me before smiling slightly. "T-thank you alpha," he said with a small blush.

With that, I spent the rest comforting him and reassuring him that he did well and that I was proud of him.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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