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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Angst💔/Fluff☁️
Story Name: Life Saver
Request: N/A
R/n ~ Random name

(M/n pov)

I let out a huff as I look down at my watch which read 7:47pm. I've been sitting at this restaurant for more than 30 minutes waiting for my boyfriend r/n to come.

"Excuse me sir, are you ordering yet or are you still waiting?" I blush bright red out of embarrassment. As I was about to speak someone else speaks up, "Ah sorry love, I apologize for being late traffic was terrible and it took me a while to get here" the waitress speaks up "Ah I see I'll give you more time to choose what to eat" and with that she leaves.

I look at the male infront of me. He had fluffy silver hair, beautiful brown eyes and a cute mole. "Hey, I'm Sugawara Koushi, I'm sorry for just sitting down but I saw that you were waiting here for a while and the only thing I could think was 'who the hell is the dick that would leave such a beautiful person just like that'" he scratches the back of his head "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable".

I stare at him and blush bright red "O-oh it's okay, and thank you for helping me out". I let out a soft sigh "My now ex-boyfriend, whom I texted that we're over 5 minutes ago, has been very distant lately and I thought that he was cheating and when I brought it up he dismissed it and promise to take me on a date but looks like he stood me up".

"Ah I see, how about I pay for dinner and we get to know each other and maybe I could take you on another date in the future. Only if you wish." I smile and nod my head.

The rest of the night was spent talking and eating.

As we left the restaurant I hear someone say "What the fuck is this? Are you cheating on me you fucking whore?" We turn towards the voice only to see my ex sweaty, full of hickeys and clearly drunk. Before I could even reply Suga spoke up "Sir I don't know who the fuck you think you are talking too but it better not be this beautiful person next to me because I won't fucking hesitate to kick you straight in the throat".

I stand there in shock as r/n ran away. Suga looks at me. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. I just couldn't let him speak about you like that"

"No no it's okay, um thank you, you're a life saver"

We smile at each other and continue on with the night.

In the end, we started dating after a couple months of getting to know each other and in all honestly we've never have been happier.


We love a protecting Suga. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Thank you for the votes and actually reading this trainwreck.

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