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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Confidence
Request: N/A
Reader is chubby

(Tsukki pov)

Currently I was making my way to a bakery to get my absolute favorite dessert, (not that I would tell any one), strawberry cake.

I finally made it and open the door to hear the bell ding as well a soft lofi music. I look toward to cashier and make my way there. "How may I help you sir? Is this your first time here?" "Yes it is, do you have strawberry cake" I ask getting straight(gay) to the point.

She smiles and nods her head and goes to grab my cake. "That'll be $4" I pay and sit down in the corner of the Cafe. I finally take a bite only to feel like I ascended into heaven. In less than 5 minutes the cake was gone. I stalk toward the cashier again and look at her in the eyes "who made that cake?" Her eyes widen but then she smiles "(M/n) come here, someone wants to speak to you" "Coming".

Soon a chubby, short, gorgeous male comes out from behind. His smile took me be surprise, it was honestly so beautiful on his face. "How may I help you?" I clear my throat, "Did you make that strawberry cake?" He nods his head.

With all the confidence in me I grab his hands "marry me please?". His eyes widen but then he giggles "Take me on a date first silly, I'm (L/n) (M/n)"

(Flashback Over)

"And that kids was the how and why I married your papa." They look at me with stars in their eyes. We hear those angelic giggles and turn towards the sound. "You really had fallen for me because of my strawberry cake, huh?" I smile, "No, you're far sweeter than any cake" I kiss his lips.

Gagging sounds were heard from our kids, we stick our tongues out at them and then we all cuddle together. "I love you and our family" I tell (M/n). "We love you too, dinoshima"

Hope you guys enjoyed. Also today is my birthday so I decided to post.
Love you my sweet potatoes

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