C.S~ Aone

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Character: Aone Takanobu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Yes!!
Request: Princecharming132
*The reader is Suna's brother*

(M/n pov)

Right now I was on my way to a cafe since Aone had asked me to go on a date. He sort of claimed through text that he wanted to see me and that he missed me. You'd think after five years of dating you'd understand what your boyfriend was trying to tell you when he texted you with emoji but no.

As I finally reached the cafe I opened the door and heard the ding of the bell. I looked around and caught sight of Aone sitting down with a nervous look on his face. I smiled softly and made my way over to him. "Nobu?" I said once I was close enough to him. His head snapped over to me before he relaxed a bit and stood up.

Giving me a quick hug he pulled out a chair for me. With a bright smile on my face, I take a seat. He pushed the chair in and then sat down himself. I gently set my hand on top of his and give him a reassuring smile before speaking, "Is everything okay, Nobu? You look nervous about something" he nodded his head and smiled a bit silently telling me that he was okay.

I took the notepad and wrote down what I wanted to eat and drink, (f/d) and (f/f). I gave the notepad to Aone and he wrote down what he wanted and then went ahead and handed it to the cashier. I went on my phone as I waited for him to come back from paying. I had asked him before whether or not I was paying and he claimed it was his date idea so he should pay so I let him be.

Soon he came back and sat down. I looked up from my phone and saw him fiddling with his fingers like he's scared of something. "Nobu are you 100% sure you're okay?" He looked at me before grabbing my hand in his and smiling a bit, "I'm fine (M/n)" he said softly but I could still see the nervousness in his eyes.

"Okay, Nobu just knows that if anything is wrong I'm here for you and you can tell me absolutely anything" "I know," he said softly. He stared at me expectantly and I knew he wanted me to talk about my break and the things I've been doing.

About ten minutes later Aone's name was called and he went ahead and got the food. As we began eating I couldn't help but laugh as I saw Aone's face. He had gotten himself hot chocolate and the whipped cream was all over his top lip. With another giggle, I grabbed a napkin and wiped his face, in return his cheeks turn a bit red.

After we finished our meals, one of the employees came over to our table and set down an (f/f) cake in front of me. "Um excuse me I didn't order this," I said softly as to not bother them but Aone was quick to speak up, "I did." I turn back to Aone, "You ordered this?" I asked and he just nodded his head. I smiled at him and thank him.

As I began eating I couldn't help but close my eyes at how good the cake was. I took another bite but quickly stopped when I felt something hard in my cake. I quickly grabbed a napkin and spit it out and furrowed my eyebrows at what u saw. It was a small bag, I looked up at Aone and saw him staring at me with a hopeful look on his face. I tried to open the bag to the best of my abilities since it was covered in cake.

But once I got it open and put the object in my hand I couldn't help but stare at it in confusion. In my hand was the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen in my life

 In my hand was the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen in my life

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I look back up at Aone and saw him on his knee. Everyone at the cafe was watching us but at that moment I could care less. Aone grabbed the ring off my hand before holding it up to me. "(M/n), I stayed up for the past couple of day trying to think of the words to express how much I love you but in the end, I couldn't come up with anything short and still proved how much I love you and how much you mean to me. So I'm going to tell you this from the bottom of my heart." I looked down at him and with tears in the corner of my eyes, I told him to continue.

"(M/n) I love you so much. You are the light of my life. You are the one person who took their time to understand me and to care for me. You make me so happy and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. So today right on Christmas day I ask you to be by my side for the rest of my life and marry me?" I began crying before I knew it and threw myself into his arms.

"Yes!! A million times yes" he smiled before gently pecking my lips. He grabbed my hand and put the ring on before we leaned our foreheads together, "I love you (M/n)" he whispered.

"I love you too Nobu"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Merry Christmas and I love you my sweet potatoes

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