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Character: Sakusa Kiyomi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Um okay
*The reader is also a germ-phobic*

(M/n pov)

"So are you sure you want to be the manager for this team? You'd have to deal with them constantly annoying and Sakusa not wanting to interact with others because he's germaphobic." "That's completely fine sir. I need to join a club and since my older brother likes volleyball I know a lot about it. So I'd like to join as the manager for this team." The coach sighed a bit before nodding his head and signing the club sign-up paper. "Alright you can follow me I'll introduce you to the team"

I followed after him before I grabbed a small bottle of hand sanitizer from my pocket before using it. I began to sanitize my hands as I pulled up my (f/c) mask to cover my mouth and nose. The coach and I finally arrived at the gym before he opened the door and walked inside as I followed behind him. "Listen up ya brats. This here is (L/n) (M/n) and he signed up to be your manager. Be nice and don't be the reason why he quits being your manager. I'll be back I have to speak to the principal." With that, the coach left leaving a group of guys to stare at me like I was one of the seven wonders of the world.

"Umm hi like your coach said I'll be your new umm manager. And before you um ask I do know a lot about volleyball" I state while shyly playing with my fingers. "HIYA MANGER-SAN. I'm Motoya Komori the libero" he said waving his arms around. He then began introducing everyone, "This is the captain and our setter, Tsukasa Iizuna. And last but not least this is Sakusa Kiyoomi our ace. Also if you ever see him cleaning don't interrupt him or he'll throw a volleyball at your head." "He's only ever done that to you Kimori. That's why you're being petty and telling that to our new manager." Tsukasa said while rolling his eyes.

Kimori pouted before he walked over to me and attempted to wrap his arm around my shoulders but before he could I dodged it and almost kicked him in the rib but I stopped myself. He stood and stared at me in surprise before tilting his head in confusion, "Are you also a germaphobe?" He asked to which I simply nodded my head. He gasped before clapping his hands in excitement. Turning towards Sakusa he pointed at me and yelled, "I found your soulmate. You guys would be the perfect couple"

I looked over at Sakusa this being the first time I make eye contact with this guy. Only to have to stifle a giggle from behind my mask because I can tell he's blushing. Suddenly he bowed before yelling, "You're very nice and cute and seem to have a good personality. Please go on a date with me?" Everything was extremely quiet, you could probably hear a pin drop. Everyone in the team stared at him in pure surprise. I giggled a bit before nodding my head a bit, "Um okay. I'd love to go on a date with you." Here stood up before looking over at the captain. "A-alright let's get back to practice then"

*flashback end*

"And that's the story of how Sakusa here asked me out," I say as everyone turned towards Sakusa as he blushed bright red. "Wow, I see how it is. You're always yelling at me for asking people out the first five minutes I meet them but here you are. You asked your new fiancée out five minutes after meeting them" exclaimed Atsumu causing everyone to laugh. "Yeah yeah shut up Atsumu," said Sakusa while rolling his eyes. I simply giggled as everyone went back to mingling between themselves.

"I love you Sakusa" "I love you to my germ" "Still going with that nickname huh?" I said while giggling and laying my head on his shoulder as he chuckled and watch everyone interact at our engagement party. "I can't wait to marry you Sakusa" "Same with me my love"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Aone Takanobu (Omegaverse)

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