Matsukawa Pt.2

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Character: Matsukawa Issei
Type: Smut💦, Fluff☁️
Story Name: My cute demon
Request: cayotakugirl
*This is part 2 of my Matsukawa story* Demon/Angel AU

(M/n pov)

It's been a couple of days since what happened with Matsu and I couldn't help but notice that he keeps giving me these looks as if I'm some type of prey. It was currently night time and Haruki was asleep. Looking over at Matsu I saw that he was already staring at me.

Everything happened so fast that I didn't even have time to react. Matsu grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the bathroom. Once there he pulled me into a passionate kiss which made me moan.

Picking me up he slammed me against the wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. We pull apart a string of saliva between our lips. "Look at you baby boy, didn't realize one kiss could make you such a mess."

He sets me down and moves me towards the bathroom before bending me over the sink. He sets his left hand on my chest before putting his right one on my hard-on, making me moan in response.

I rubbed my hard-on against his palm moaning loudly. "Look at you such a slut, so desperate." The degrading name just made me moan louder. He pulled down my pants and I sucked a breath in as the cold air hit my cock.

He slapped my left ass cheek making me let out a whine, he just chuckled darkly before doing it three more times, each time harder than the last. At that point, I was crying tears of pleasure and I was extremely turned on.

I felt him back away from me before I felt both of his hands on my ass, separating my ass giving him a view of my hole. I felt something wet touch the rim of my hole before it poked inside of me. I moan loudly at the feeling of Matsu eating me out. "Please plea- oh more, don't stop" I begged.

"I'm close so so clo-" just before I came he stood up. "Oh no you don't baby, you're not allowed to cum just yet." With that, he dropped his pants and underwear and rubbed his tip near my hole. He plunged himself in me making me gasp out a moan. He then grabbed my chin and made me look at myself in the mirror before speaking up, "Look at yourself in the mirror, baby boy. Is my dick that good? Are you such a whore for dick?"

I looked at him through the mirror and nodded my head. He started thrusting extremely roughly and fast. "Answer me with words, baby boy" "Y-yes I am a whore for dick b-but just for yours daddy."

He continued thrusting into me. I let out whines and moans as he let out groans and grunts. He held my head up the whole time making me look at myself as I was getting made a mess by him. "Please plea- mo- more."

"Since you asked so nicely, I guess I can give it to you." He went even harder and faster, grabbing my throat, he lightly squeezed to make me lose air. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as drool went down my chin.

"D-daddy I'm clo-close, please l-let me c-cum" he kept going before he leaned down into my ear, "Cum for me baby boy" and just like that I came untouched and he came inside of me. He pulled out slowly, my legs gave out just before I fell he picked me up. And started a bath, holding on to me he then set me down in the water and then he sat behind me.

I laid my back against his chest and started to play with my hair. "I'm sorry, I probably pushed your way too hard." I blush before speaking up, "It's okay, I um enjoyed it." He chuckled before kissing my head softly.

"Sorry I didn't ask you this before but would you like to be my boyfriend?" I smiled and answered, "Of course."

"Great now you're my cute little demon, got it?"

"Yes Matsu"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Honestly, I don't think this is the best but this is what I could do. I love you my sweet potatoes

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