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Character: Goshiki Tsutomu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name You did amazing
*Parent AU* *Time Skip Spoilers*

(M/n pov)

I hummed a small tune as I boiled some flounder and made some rice for Goshiki. Today was the day he came back from playing around the world with his team, the Azuma Pharmacy Green Rockets. Over the time he was away I had to be the one to take care of our baby boy, Akiro. Though I didn't mind at all since he is super adorable. When we first adopted Akiro, Goshiki and I had gotten married and we got our first house. Since his volleyball career was going to start soon after he wanted to be there with me through the process of adoption and taking care of our baby boy for the first couple of months.

It's been about seven months since he left to travel for games and he hasn't been home in a while. And since this is the first time he'll see both Akiro and me in a while I want to be able to surprise him with his favorite meal and a cute family date. As I put some cookies in the oven to bake I heard Akiro begin to cry. I sighed a bit before making sure nothing was on that could cause a fire and walked towards Akiro's nursery and picked him up from his crib. I began to gently rocked him as I walked back to the kitchen and prepared him a bottle. I began to feed him as I hummed a calming song. I looked down at Akiro and saw him staring up at me while drinking. We continued making eye contact before he pushed my hand that was holding my bottle away.

He stared at me for a moment before he let out a burp. I stared at him in surprise before I laughed loudly. He smiled up at me before he grabbed my hand and put his lips around the bottle again. I smiled at him before I heard the oven beep. I sighed and thought of what I could do but before I could do anything else I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. Turning around I gasped as I saw my husband smiling at me with small tears in his eyes. I pulled the empty bottle out of Akiro's mouth and set it down on the counter before I walked towards him. As we stood in front of him, he pulled Akiro and me into a hug. He made me look up at him before he pecked my lips. He kissed Akiro's forehead as well before he walked towards the oven and picked up a rag and took the cookie out of the oven.

After he did that he turned back to me and pulled me back into another hug. "I missed you so much (M/n). You have no idea how excited I was for the day that I could see you and Akiro once again" I giggled as I brought Akiro up to my shoulder before beginning to burp him. "We missed you too. I'm so glad to finally have you back. Also, I made boiled flounder and rice for you." He gasped before pecking my lips once again. "I love you so much. Also, did you see my games? Wasn't I awesome?" I rolled my eyes before giggling, "You did amazing at your games. Now hurry up and shower so we can have a family date night" he booked his head before running to shower and change.

The rest of that night we spent it eating, watching over Akiro, and watching movies.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Hinata Shoyo (Demon/Angel AU)

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