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Character: Tendou Satori
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You're my everything

(Tendou pov)

"Baki Baki ni ore~" I whispered out with a smile on my face. "Hey, Tendou what's up with you?" I heard Semi ask. I turned towards him before raising an eyebrow, "What could you possibly mean, semisemi?" I asked while tilting my head. "Well, recently we all" he points at everyone, "Noticed that you have been in a really good mood and that you seem to be excited about something. So we want to know what is up with you." I hummed a bit before tapping my chin, "Ah, well it might be that my lover is coming back to visit me after being gone for about a year and a half on a business trip" everyone stared at me in surprise before they turned over to Ushijima, "Did you know about this, Ushijima-san?" Asked Semi to which Ushijima shook his head.

"Of course he doesn't know. My lover had specifically asked me to keep them a secret because they didn't want the paparazzi to know that we are dating and for them to show up anywhere I was at and try to ask me questions/information about them" they all stared at me with an unreadable expression. "So what you're trying to tell us is that your partner is rich and famous?" Asked Soekawa, I hummed a bit before nodding my head. He deadpanned before speaking up, "Yeah right. It's not like you could be dating someone that rich and famous. Like for example (L/n) (M/n) he's the most powerful alpha." I let out an awkward chuckle which caused everyone to stare at me once again, "EHHHH?!?"

*time skip*

I had just finished explaining to them just how (M/n) and I had started dating. "But there's one thing U don't understand" I turned towards Shirabu before speaking, "What do you not understand?" "Well, now you're saying an alpha when you're an alpha too" I tilted my head in confusion before shaking my head. "But I'm not. I'm an omega. I thought it was pretty clear though" "We just keep finding new things about you senpai" exclaimed Goshiki, making me laugh. "Okay, then when will we be able to meet this partner of yours," asked Semi. I hummed a bit before taking out my phone, "Hold on let me ask if he can come home earlier"

Tenten❤️: Baki baki ni ore~

(N/n)❤️: Nani wo~ Hey love, is there anything you need?

Tenten❤️: Is there any way for you to come to Japan earlier? I may have let it spill to my time that we are together

(N/n)❤️: Hmm we'll have to see my love. Seeing as though I'm busy but I promise I'll keep you updated. Sorry darling I have to go to a meeting I'll call you later. Love you💗

Tenten❤️: Okay bye-bye. Love you too💗

"He said he'll see about coming to meet you guys and that he'll keep me updated." They all nodded and we got back to practice.

*time skip*

It was now the end of practice and all of us had just finished showering and changing. And were now walking out of the gym to go back to the dorms. We were all chatting amongst each other when we heard someone clear their throat. We all looked over at the person and to my surprise it was (M/n), who was holding flowers and had a small smile on his face. I gasped before running over to him and jumping into his arms. He chuckled before kissing my forehead, "Hello love. Hope you enjoyed your surprise" I nodded my head at the speed of light before pecking his lips. "Why aren't you here though? Don't get me wrong I'm happy to see you but I thought you were busy with work" "I'm here because you're my everything. And because I missed you my love" I smiled brightly before pecking his lips again.

I got off him before pointing at my team, "Can you meet my team now?" I asked while showing him my secret weapon, my puppy eyes. He chuckled before speaking, "I would love to meet your team, my love"

With that (M/n) took us to a restaurant where he introduced himself to the team. They all got to know each other which made me smile that they got along. I leaned my head on (M/n) as I continued to watch them interact. "You okay love?" Whispered (M/n) to me. To which I nodded, "I love you" I whispered out, "I love you too"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Aone Takanobu (Fantasy AU)

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