Atsumu x Suna

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Character: Miya Atsumu and Suna Rintarou
Type: Fluffy AF☁️
Story Name: Forever together
Request: rintaroQ1 & cheesecakekun
*This request was for their best friend whose birthday is today (12/17)*

(M/n pov)

I couldn't help but feel nervous and excited at the same time. Today is the day that I would finally play the piano and sing in front of my lovers, Atsumu and Suna. Throughout all the years we have been dating and even when we moved in together I tried my hardest to never allow them to hear me practice. It wasn't because I wanted to keep them out of that part of my life it's just a bit nerve-racking to have your lover watching you do something you enjoy doing especially when you have two lovers.

I was currently on the couch waiting for them to finally get home. Almost as of the new, I was thinking about them they appeared through the house door with small smiles on their faces. Though the moment they saw me sitting on the couch waiting for them their smiles got even bigger. I inhale a big breath to calm my nerves and slowly let it out. I walked over to them with a small nervous smile on my face.

"What's wrong, darling?" Suna was quick to ask, I've always loved him for that. He always can tell whether Atsumu and I aren't feeling well or if we have something to say. Atsumu was quick to grab my face and peck my lips, "Don't worry baby, Whatever is wrong we are here for you" I put my hands over Atsumu's and smile gently. I've always loved Atsumu for this, even when he doesn't know what's wrong with me he'll be trying to cheer me up.

I shake my head before speaking up, "Nothing is wrong Sumu and Suna. I just have a surprise for you guys" they raised their eyebrows in sync which made me giggle a bit. I gently take off their coats and set down their bags before they took off their shoes. I grab their hand and gently began pulling them towards the direction of my piano room.

Just before I pulled them inside Atsumu spoke up, "Baby, are you sure that you want to let Suna and I inside of your piano room?" I nodded my head before I opened the door and let them inside. Before they could say anything else I sat them down in the chairs that were beside my piano. They looked at me and I could tell by the way that they were looking at me that they were both excited and nervous about what I was going play.

I stretched my fingers out a bit before clearing my throat. I look at them one last time before starting to play the song I have been practicing for just for them. As I began playing the piano and singing I couldn't help but get flashbacks of our relationship.

Remember when we first met?
You said "light my cigarette"
So I lied to my mom and dad
I jumped the fence and I ran
But we couldn't go very far
'Cause you locked your keys in your car
So you sat and stared at my lips
And I could already feel your kiss

It was Saturday night and I had just gotten a text in the group chat that Suna and Atsumu had created. They said that they wanted to see me but I knew my parents wouldn't let me go anywhere this late so I snuck out of the window and met them on the corner of my street. As soon as I was in front of them they gave me a double hug. Atsumu was quick to grab my chin and connected his lips with mine in a soft and passionate kiss. Suna 'tch' and pulled me away from Atsumu and pulled me into a kiss as well. Both kisses had me weak at the knees.

Remember when you taught me fate
Said it'd all be worth the wait
Like that night in the back of the cab
When your fingers walked in my hand
Next day, nothin' on my phone
But I can still smell you on my clothes
Always hoping things would change
But we went right back to your games

I couldn't help but wake up happy Yesterday Atsumu and Suna both had confessed to me. They said that the moment we had met it was as if soulmates had met and that it was as if we were always meant to be together. But when I had checked my phone in the morning I had expected a good morning text or something but I got nothing instead. After I finished getting ready for school I headed outside and when I looked up I couldn't help but let my jaw drop at the sight that was in front of me.

Atsumu and Suna were standing on the sidewalk. Atsumu holding (f/b) and Suna holding (f/f). I smiled brightly before walking towards them. They pulled me closed to them and I couldn't help but bask in their scent. They each pecked my forehead before saying 'good morning' at the same time making me giggle.

And even if I run away
Give my heart a holiday
Still, strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
You always leave me wanting more
I can't shake my hunger for
Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Yeah, they always taste like you
Long nights, daydreams
With that sugar and smoke rings
Always taste like you

It was the day that Atsumu had to leave for a game with the Black Jackal. Suna and I couldn't go to his game but he told us it's okay and that he loved us and to make sure to watch him on TV. Once he was gone Suna and I started to put our plan into action. We made a handmade banner that said 'Go Atsumu Go' it had a bunch of decorations on it. Once it was done Suna and I got ready and with that, we were quick to leave to watch his game.

As they were halfway through the game, I could tell that Sumu was upset that we weren't there and it was throwing him off his game. As Atsumu stepped up to do his killer serve, Suna and I grabbed each side of the banner and hung it up before cupping our hands over our mouths shouting, 'Go Atsumu Go'. Atsumu's head snapped over to us almost immediately. Smiling brightly at him and him smiling back at us just as bright we gave him a thumbs up. And just like that the amazing volleyball player that we know and love was back to his old self.

Headlights, on me (and even if I run away)
Racing to 60, I've been a fool (and give my heart a holiday)
Still, strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
Blue eyes, black jeans (you always leave me wanting more)
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool (I can't shake my hunger for)
Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you

Once I finished they just stared at me. Suna was the first one to get up and wrap his arms around me and press gently kisses all over my face between the kisses he said, "That. Was. Amazing. My. Love." He pressed one last kiss on my lips before moving away allowing Atsumu to do the same thing.

I smiled at them both and they smiled back. I cleared my throat before speaking, "Thank you guys for always being there for me and loving me unconditionally." "No (M/n), thank you for saying yes to being our boyfriend and thank you for staying by us even though there were multiple times where things could have ended between us and thank you for supporting all of our decisions and standing by us no matter what," Atsumu said while Suna agreed.

I smile gently and peck each of their lips before speaking again, "I hope we'll stay forever together."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one is a little longer. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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