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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Lemon 🍋
Story Name: I'll be careful
Request: EmiliaHeartfilia
Soulmate AU *Red string*

(M/n pov)

It has been about three months since Hajime and I found each other. The only reason I was able to finally meet him was that my best friend Hinata forced me to become the second manager claiming that he wanted me to be there since I'm his 'lucky charm'.

I had met Hajime at the first-ever game between Aoba Johsai and Karasuno. It came as the biggest surprise to everyone when I had started crying because I was always told I would never find a soulmate but in the end, I did find one.

Currently, I was on my way to Hajime's house since it was the weekend. This would be the first time I would spend the night at his place. We have gone on many dates since we met because Hajime wanted to make sure I was comfortable with him before I went over and spent the night with him.

Once I finally got to Hajime's house I couldn't help but feel nervous but instead of running away, I took a deep breath in before knocking softly on the door. I heard shuffling before the door was unlocked and opened by Hajime.

He smiled gently at me, his smile was welcoming and sweet. "Come on in" I walked in and took off my shoes before whispering, "Sorry for the intrusion." I heard Hajime chuckle before he spoke up, "Don't be so tensed darling" I nodded my head softly.

Hajime took my bag and gently grabbed my hand before pulling me towards his room. As we were walking I couldn't help but realize how quiet it was. "Um, Hajime-kun where are your parents?" "They went out for the weekend darling" I blushed a bit at the thought that we were alone but I didn't say much.

Once we were inside Hajime's room he set my stuff on his desk before pulling me towards his bed and sitting me down on it him following behind. He pulled me towards him and I couldn't help but cuddle into his chest. "What do you want to watch darling?" I hummed in thought before shrugging my shoulders, "You pick" He only smirked in response and began to play a movie.

I didn't realize what movie it was until a sex scene showed up. I blushed bright red, I turn my head a bit to look at him but I saw that he was already staring at me with a bigger smirk on his lips. He put two fingers underneath my chin before turning my head upwards.

He silently asked me for permission to kiss me with just his eyes. I blushed brighter before nodding my head a bit, he smiled a bit before leaning down. The kiss started as soft and gentle but as soon as he swipes his tongue on my bottom lip I couldn't help but moan a bit and let him in.

The kiss went from soft to heated quickly but he was still teasing me with how slow he was going. He didn't break the kiss as he flipped us so that I was laying on my back and he was over me. He backed away from the kiss before going down to my neck pressing light kisses on it. He would suck on it at random spots causing me to moan out a bit.

He pulled my shirt up a bit before kissing down my stomach once he was near my waistband he looked up at me. "Can I?" "Yeah but please be careful, it's my first time."

"I'll be careful, darling"

That night was spend with lovemaking. Once we finished he pulled me into his arms and told me that he loved me and that he was glad I was his soulmate.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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