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Character: Daichi Sawamura
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Finally found you
Request: emorat_XD
The reader is Sugawaras' brother

(Third pov)

Sugawara clapped his hands getting the attention of everyone in the gym. "Okay guys, my precious younger OMEGA brother is coming to visit me. And I do not need your stupid alpha pheromones affecting his visit so keep them down" Sugawara emphasize the word omega with a creepy looking smile on his face.

Not even ten minutes after Sugawara's warning to the rest of the team, the gym door opened up. The team couldn't help but let their jaws fall straight down to the ground at the male who walked through the door, heck even Tsukishima's jaw dropped at the beauty that was standing there.

The boy had beautiful (h/l) (h/t) (h/c) hair, gorgeous (e/c) eyes, he had soft-looking (s/t) skin. Sugawara was quick to run toward his brother and pick him up and spin him around. They both smiled at each other and it was like the team was looking at two angels who came down from heaven.

"Alright team meet my little brother, Sugawara (M/n), (M/n) meet my team. Guys go ahead and introduce yourself." Everyone began to introduce themselves and the last person to get introduce themselves couldn't help but freeze up when (M/n) and he made eye contact.

It was like magnets drawing themselves to each other. They felt a connection between them as soon as they made eye contact. The team stared between them as they slowly walked towards each other.

Daichi stuck his hand out for (M/n) to shake, "Nice to meet you, I'm Daichi Sawamura" (M/n) couldn't help but blush as he grabbed Daichi's hand to shake it. It was like a spark went through their hands as soon as they touched each other.

They both looked down at their hands before looking back at each other smiling and blushing. "Oooo Sugawara I think your brother just found his mate with Daichi" Tanaka teased, Ennoshita ended up shaking the back of his head for saying that.

Sugawaras eye twitch before he walked towards the new mates. He grabbed Daichi shoulder before squeezing it a bit, "Congratulations on being mates" he said with a fake smile, "Hurt my little brother and you'll go missing and no one and I mean no one won't ever know" Daichi nodded his head quickly out of fear of what Sugawara would do to him.

(Daichi pov)

I turned towards my newly found mate and smiled at him. "I'm so glad I finally found you" (M/n) smiled at me before hugging me, "I'm glad I found you too." I kissed his forehead before I felt eyes burning into my back knowing it was Sugawara, I backed away from him a bit, he looked confused before I pointed at his brother, he pouted.

"How about I take you on a date this weekend?" I asked. He immediately brightens up and spoke up, "I would love to go on a date."

*time skip*

(Third pov)

It has now about two months since they started going on dates and Daichi had finally asked Sugawara if he could ask his brother to be his boyfriend. Sugawara reluctantly agreed and Daichi wasted no time in asking the boy out on another date.

This leads us to right now where the mates were walking down the beach as the sun was setting. Daichi noticed the boy tremble slightly from the cold wind. Daichi was quick to take off his jacket and wrap it around (M/n).

That action made (M/n) stop walking and Daichi took the opportunity to stand in front of (M/n). "I um have something to ask you, (M/n)" Daichi said sheepishly, (M/n) looked at Daichi silently telling him to continue. Grabbing his hand Daichi spoke, "Would you guys like to be my boyfriend?"

(M/n)'s eyes widen before he tackled Daichi screaming, "YES YES YES, I would love to be your boyfriend" with a giggle from (M/n) and a chuckle from Daichi, the new couple kissed.

"I'm really glad I finally found you, my omega"

"I'm really glad I met you too, my Alpha"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I liked this one for some reason. I love you my sweet potatoes

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