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Character: Kenshin Ukai
Type: Smut💦
Story Time: Surprise
Request: N/A

(Ukai pov)

I watched the boys practice silently praying that time would go faster so that I can go see my prince. "Coach is everything okay? You look impatient about something" I turn towards Daichi, "Everything is alright. I just want to get home" "Why is someone waiting for you" they laugh at Tsukishima remark. I growl "As a matter a fact, yes there is someone waiting for me at home, even if it's none your business. Actually why the hell have you guys stopped practicing. Get back to work" they quickly get back to doing receives and spikes.

I hear my phone ding so I went to pick it up

Prince🧸: Daddy when are you coming home. *picture attached*

I open the picture and it's of my prince wearing (f/c) lingerie. I could feel my pants tighten ever so slightly.

Daddy💕💦: I'll be there soon my prince

I look up from my phone and glare at the clock. "You know what practice is over early. First years clean up the gym, I have to go" I pack up my stuff, I was about to leave when I hear Tsukishima yell out "Use protection coach". I yell back "We will see"

I drive like a maniac all the way to my shared apartment and slam open the apartment door and quickly shut it again and take off my shoes, coat and anything that will take way too much time to take off in the bedroom. Once that was done I went towards the bedroom door seeing it closed.

I open it to get greeted with the best view I could ever possibly imagine. My prince on all fours swaying his plump ass side to side. I move towards him and place my hands on his waist. "What do we have here? Did you play with yourself my prince" he shakes his head. I lean towards his ear and whispered "Good boy"

Turning him around so that he is laying on his back I lean up and kiss him softly but the kiss quickly gets heated and he opens his mouth inviting me in. I gladly take his 'invitation' and let my tongue roam all over his mouth he moans in response.

I then start kissing down his neck avoiding kissing on his sweet spot. He catches on and start to whine. I chuckle darkly and finally kiss, lick, suck, and bite on his sweet spot all while he is moaning and whimpering. My right hand goes down to his nipple. I start to play with it he moans louder, I kiss him again to quite his moans. As he was distracted I start to search for the lube once I found it I back away from him.

I look down seeing he was already a wreck even though I haven't done much yet. Before I could grab the lube I feel a tug on my shirt. I look down to see my prince looking at me with a big blush and wide eyes "t-take it o-off" I smirk and huskily reply with "Of course my prince" I take off my shirt and see him staring at my upper body "Like what you see baby boy" I smirk again when I see him blush even redder and nod his head ever so slightly.

I pull off his panties and then I down on him. I bob my head up and down as his hands hold on to my hair. He moans and thrust upwards but I hold down his hips. He begins to shake and thats when I knew he was close so I pull my mouth off his cock with a pop and he whines in return.

I grab the lube and pour some on him. "It's cold" he whimpered. "Shh it's okay baby boy" I rub his thigh with my left hand and then I take my right hand and insert my finger in him. He moans loudly. I insert a second one and continue to prep him after four fingers he was moaning mess.

"Please please daddy. Give me more" I chuckle and lean towards his ear "Beg baby boy" "Please please daddy. I'm begging you fuck me with your big cock" I remove my fingers and place my tip in his hole. "Ready my prince?"
He nods his head. I slowly thrust in and he throws his head back moaning. Once I was fully in he had tears rolling down his face with drools down his chin. I pull out all the way to my tip and thrusting back in again, he moans louder. I thrust at an animalistic pace and he moans louder and louder. He opens his arms and I know exactly what he wants I lean down and he wraps his arms around me. He keeps crying about how good it is.

"C-close im close daddy" "Me too baby boy" I thrust in a couple more times, he whines and cums while scratching my back and I cum in him.

Once we were done I clean us up and head to bed.

*Next day*

I was at practice watching the boys. Suddenly I wince as Takeda slaps my back. His eyes widen along with everyone elses "So you do have someone" Tsukishima says.


I tried. I don't know if this is good. Hope you enjoyed my sweet potatoes❤💜

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