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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Slight Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: Don't worry
*Mafia AU*

(Tsukishima pov)

I sat on the gym bench while panting after having experienced another long volleyball practice. I went into my bag and grabbed my phone to see if I had any notification and to my surprise, my phone was blowing up with a bunch of messages from the members of my boyfriends' mafia group. Unlocking my phone I began to read over all the messages. As I continued reading I couldn't help but begin to silently panic and worry. My lover had gotten hurt after he went to confront someone and after the nurses patched him up and gave him a few pain killers he started yelling about how he missed me and how he wanted to see me.

They had left him alone for about three minutes, and in those three minutes, he managed to escape and disappear from where they had him resting. I started to text his best friend to try and get some answers but in the end, he told me that they were trying to look for him but in the end, they couldn't find him and his car was missing. I internally panic as I texted and called my boyfriend trying to see if he would answer and when he didn't I panicked even more. Just as I was about to call him again I heard Tadashi speak up from beside me, "Tsukishima, is everything okay?" I looked at him with panicked eyes and then I felt him put a hand on my shoulder, "Tsukishima you can tell us what's wrong. We are all here for you"

I opened my mouth to tell them I had to go but got interrupted by the gym door being slammed open. We all looked towards the door only for us to catch sight of my buff, tattooed, and very much hurt boyfriend. Before any of the guys could say anything he glared at everyone before his eyes landed on me. He limped his way towards me before hugging me, "KEEEIIIII WHY WEREN'T YOU WITH ME WHEN I GOT HURT OR WHEN I WOKE UP. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF MEEEEE" He whined super loudly with a big pout on his face. I rolled my eyes before gently grabbing his face in my hands.

I gently pecked his lips before speaking in a soft voice, "I'm sorry my love. I know I should've been there but I didn't know you had gotten hurt until you had escaped from your place. But you can't just escape to come looking for me and then not answer your phone. You had me extremely worried my love" he stared at me before tearing up a bit, "I'M SORRY KEI I DIDN'T MEAN TO WORRY YOU. PLEASE DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME." I sighed knowing that when it comes to me he's a complete baby. I rolled my eyes at him before grabbing my stuff and beginning to drag him out. But before I completely left I turned towards my team and glared hard, "We will never speak of today again or I'll release my boyfriend on y'all" they all nodded their heads with small smirks on their lips.

I rolled my eyes before dragging (M/n) out of the gym. I sat him inside his car before I sat on the passenger seat. Before he began driving he turned towards me and grabbed my face before kissing my lips, "I'm sorry for making you worry so much Kei. You don't have to worry about me I'm big and strong" he said while smiling lightly. "I know and it's okay my love" we smiled at each other before heading home.

I hope you enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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