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Character: Kageyama Tobio
Type: Fluff☁️, Light Lemon🍋
Story Name: Worried

(Third pov)

Most of the team watched Kageyama with concern on their faces. He was missing his sets, receiving with his face, and seemed completely distracted. It was as if he and Hinata had switched bodies since Hinata was doing better than him. They watched as he looked at the clock once again only to get smacked by the ball once again causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud. Kageyama sighed as he stood up only to feel something trickle down from his nose to his upper lip. The team started to freak out before Sugawara called them down and Daichi went to talk to Kageyama.

(Kageyama pov)

Daichi-senpai walked over to me and handed me some tissue which I grabbed as he patted my back. "Thank you senpai" "No problem Kageyama but why are you so out of it today?" All eyes were on me and Daichi as soon as he asked that question. I sighed and finished wiping the blood before I spoke up, "M-my um s-significant other is at home r-right now because they're i-in heat and well I told them I'd come over instead of coming to practice but they t-told me they would get mad at me if I skipped practice for them" the team stared at me with their jaws on the ground before Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata screamed, "HOW DID KAGEYAMA/BAKAYAMA GET A LOVER??"

Ennoshita-senpai smacked all three of them before Daichi spoke up, "Kageyama you're free to go since you can't seem to focus from the worry that your significant other is causing you. Make sure to bring them around one day" I nodded my head before I grabbed all of my belongings and began running towards my mates' house. I decided to stop by my house and packed an overnight bag with extra hoodies for (M/n). After I grabbed all of my things and ran down the block to my mates' house. Knocking on the door I waited for someone to open it and when no one did. I took out the spare key that was given to me before I unlocked the door.

I took off my shoes before I walked to my mates' room. I whined softly as I heard my mate whimpering and whining in pain through his bedroom door. I opened his door and whined louder as I saw my mate curled in a fetus position with a pained looked on his face. I walked closer and gently laid a hand on his hair. He laid his hands on mine before he stood up and began rubbing his face all over my hand letting out noises of happiness. I didn't let go of him as I grabbed one of my hoodies out of my bags. I handed it to him before I sat him on my lap and watched as he put the hoodie on. I chuckled lightly as he drowned in it.

He stared at me before he leaned towards me and pecked my lips. We began to make out, the kiss was soft and he was moaning softly. I pulled away from him before I rubbed my thumb against his bottom lip before he pressed a kiss against it. I smiled a bit before I grabbed some heat suppressants from my bag and a bottle of water and handed it to him. He quickly took them before he pushed me back and laid his head against my chest. He let out a soft sigh before he spoke up, "You didn't skip practice right?" I shook my head before speaking, "Daichi-senpai let me go early because he could tell something had me worried" he nodded his head before he picked my lips again. "Thank you for coming to help me" I blushed lightly before speaking, "B-boke it's because I love you" he giggled in response before he sighed, "I love you too Kags." With that, we spent the rest of the day cuddling.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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