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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Smut💦
Story Name: My omega
Request: Tadashihuaha

(Iwa pov)

It was currently 11 am on a Saturday. I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for myself since my Alpha/lover was out on a work trip. And he wouldn't be coming back home till tomorrow. I let out a sigh as I began to eat the breakfast I made, feeling the need to be cuddled up by (M/n). I take out my phone and look at the calendar and my eyes go wide as the realization that my heat starts today.

I began to slightly shake from freaking out about getting my heat. This would be my first heat since I met (M/n), 6 years ago, that I would spend it alone. Worried about how bad the outcome might be, I quickly get up and dash to our shared bedroom. Once there I gather all of the clothes that smell like (M/n) and his cologne, spraying it all over.

Once that was done I grabbed my phone and texted (M/n)

(N/n) I don't know if you're busy or not but my heat is coming today and I don't know what to do. You have always been there for me and I'm freaking out

I saw that he read the message and honestly, I felt like crying when he didn't answer. Most people saw me as this strong omega and that could take everything and anything that is brought onto them but without (M/n) by my side to keep me up I can't do much. He's my rock and I feel like I'm breaking down. I let out soft whines and moans as the heat spreads throughout my body.

I heard my phone ring. I knew exactly who it was since I have a specific ring tone for (M/n) quickly answering the phone I put it up to my ear.

"Hajime baby, are you okay?" I let out a loud whimper at the sound of my Alpha voice. "Shit baby I can't come home till tomorrow. Is it okay with just hearing my voice? Will, you be a good omega and listen~"

I nod my head but realized he couldn't see me, "Y-yes Alpha" "Good boy"

"Okay baby boy this is what I'm going to need to do, take off all your clothes and lay on your back" I quickly do as he says before speaking. "Done Alpha" he hummed in response. "Okay baby, do me a favor and grab your pretty cock and jerk yourself off slowly" I moan a bit as soon as my hands make contact with my dick. "Just like that baby. Now with you're other hand play with your nipples the way that you like when I do it" I moan louder.

I hear a grunt from (M/n) and realized that he was also jerking off. The thought that (M/n) was also jerking off to the sound of me made me feel hotter than before, "(M/n)~" I whine out. "Sh sh baby I'm here. Okay baby I need you to stick two fingers in your mouth and pretend they're mines. Lick them well." I do as told and moved tongue all over my fingers letting out slutty moans and the thought that these would be my alphas finger. "Good omega, okay now stick on of you finger into yourself baby" I moan as I circle my rim with my finger before plunging one into myself. "Jerk yourself off a bit faster my love" I do as told and whine louder, "Alpha~ Alpha~ m-more I want more" I hear him grunt and groan, "Shit baby you sound so sexy. Add another finger into yourself" I do so and moan, whimper, and whine at how good it feels.

"Alpha im c-close" I whimper out. "Me too baby, jerk yourself off faster baby" I jerk myself off faster before feeling a pool of heat at the bottom of my stomach. "Alpha can I cum, please let me cum" "S-shit baby cum for me" he continues to groan and grunt before I moan loudly releasing all over my stomach. I turn myself on my side breathing heavily. I hear one last groan from (M/n) before he is released.

I began falling asleep, "I love you, Alpha thank you for helping me." Just before I fully went to sleep I heard (M/n say, "I love you too, my omega sleep well"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. In all honesty, I don't know how to write smut but this is the best I could do. I love you my sweet potatoes

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