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Character: Tendou Satori
Type: Smut💦
Story Name: Showed you paradise
Request: gayMax126

(M/n pov)

I wake up by a sudden heat surrounding my body. I whine a little before sitting up and looking at the time which read 3:34 am. I look over at my alpha who is sleeping peacefully. I bite my lip before thinking over my options. Either wake up Tendou now or take a cold shower to calm down my heat.

I decided upon the first option so I went ahead and went underneath the covers. I saw that he was already semi-hard from smelling my pheromones. I gently pull down his sweatpants and boxers allowing for his cock to pop out.

I grab it with both of my hands and jerked him off a bit before licking his tip, moaning slightly at the taste. I take his tip into my mouth before taking a deep breath and taking the rest of his cock into my mouth. 'Thank you God for blessing me with no gag reflex' I think before continuing to suck him off.

I hollow my cheeks and face fuck myself on his dick before slipping my right hand into my shorts and smear some of my slick into my fingers before inserting one into myself. I moaned quietly and inserted a second finger into myself. I felt tears prick into my eyes at the pleasure I was feeling.

I felt Tendou get harder inside of my mouth but I continued to suck him off. At this point, I had three fingers inside of myself and I was so close to cumming.

It all happened so fast that I had no time to react. I was pulled off Tendou cock and my hand was pulled out of me and then I was slammed down on the bed on my back with Tendou hovering over me. "Well, what do we have here paradise?" I whimper at his dark tone.

He leaned down and smelled my scent gland and hummed in understanding, "My little omega is in heat, do you want your alpha to help?" I whine and nod my head, "Use your words, baby boy." "P-please a-alpha help me, I'll be good"

He smirked, "Since you asked so nicely and prepared yourself for me I guess I should help you out." He pulled down my shorts and underwear before spreading my legs and standing in between them. He rubbed his tip against my hole before slowly inserting himself.

I moaned softly as Tendou fully went inside of me. He leaned down towards me and kissed me softly and slowly started to thrust. I could tell that Tendou wanted to take his time and make love to me instead of just fucking me.

"Tendou I love you but if you don't fucking rail right now, I swear to God I will personally fuck myself into your dick." He smirked before pulling out and turning me around on all fours before inserting himself in me again. He grabbed my hips and started thrusting at an inhuman speed.

"AH AH A-ALPHA PLEASE PLEASE" He pulled me against his chest by my shoulders before grabbing at my neck softly squeezing. "A-alpha so deep" he continued thrusting into me. We went on for a while before Tendou grunted into my ear that he was close, "M-me too a-alpha"

"Cum for me, baby boy" that immediately made me release, he released inside me not long after.

He laid me down on the bed and pulled out of me making me let out a soft whine, "Shhh baby boy, I'm here. I guess I showed you paradise." He kissed my forehead before getting a wet rag and wiping me clean. He turned me so that I was lying on my pillow, he laid down and pulled the blanket over us and pulled me towards him, and placed another kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, paradise"

"I love you too, Tendou"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Honestly, had no clue what to do with this. But I love you my sweet potatoes

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