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Character: Semi Eita
Type: Lemon 🍋
Story Name: The best
Request: EmiliaHeartfilia
*Soulmates AU*
*Season 3 spoilers*

(M/n pov)

I watched from the benches as Karasuno and Shiratorizawa played against each other. It was the ending set and both teams were exhausted. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see who might win. And with that, I watched as #10 made the winning point against Shiratorizawa.

Everything in the gym went quiet. I was fast to stand up and stand by the dressing room for the Shiratorizawa team. I saw them walking back looking dejected. I couldn't help but feel just as upset as them. I saw my lover standing behind looking like he was going to cry at any moment but he wanted to act tough.

"Guys?" I called out softly, they all snapped their head towards me. Even though I was only dating Eita, the team sort of saw me as a 'mother' from who they sought validation. I smiled gently at them, "You guys did well, no need to be upset, okay? You guys worked your hardest but you guys can work even harder next time." Goshiki was quick to burst into tears which made me react.

I walked towards him and hugged him. Even though he was taller I gently patted his head. After calming him down I walked towards Eita and wrap my arms around his waist and settle my head on his chest. I thought he was going to continue being 'tough but I was wrong. He wraps his arms around me and buried his face into my hair. I gently rubbed his back as he began trembling.

I looked back at the rest of the guys before softly telling them we were leaving. Ushijima handed me Eita things and with that, I walked him out of the stadium and back to my home. He clung to me the whole way but I didn't mind that at all. Once we finally got to my house, I went ahead and unlocked it and brought him up to my room.

I gently set his stuff down on my desk before sitting him down on my bed. As I was going to walk away from him to get him a cup of water, my wrist was grabbed by Eita, "Don't go pleased" he begged in a quiet voice. I nodded my head and proceeded to hug his face into my chest and gently play with his hair.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me to sit on his lap. I grab his face and started to place butterfly kisses all over his face. I kissed his lips, he swipes his tongue along my bottom lip asking for permission to be let it, which I of course let him. The kiss turns heated after that I pushes him back without breaking the kiss. Now he was laying on his back and I was on top of him.

I back away from him before smiling a bit, "Would you like me to show you that you're truly the best?" He blushed a bit but nodded his head.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I will leave it to your imagination, I won't be writing a part two. Anyway I love you my sweet potatoes

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