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Character: Tendou Satori
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My paradise
Request: zaaron13
⚠️The reader is transgender which is why they are pregnant. FtM⚠️

(Third pov)

It was a fine morning in the Satori household. Everyone was asleep and the Satori's were sleeping comfortably in their bed cuddling and awaiting for the nine-month pregnancy to be over...

Who are we kidding right now Tendou is trying to run away from his lover who is trying to hit him with a chair because he ate their (f/f).

"Paradise, I'm sorry I didn't realize it was yours. Please have mercy" Tendou pleaded for his life. "No Tendou, you know how hard it is to be pregnant this is your damn fault and you have the fucking audacity to eat my food." The angry short boi yelled as he kept chasing Tendou with the chair.

After another 3 minutes, the pregnant boy got tired. Putting the chair down he sat on it. Cautiously Tendou walked towards the boy. "Listen paradise, I'm sorry for eating your food. How about this, I'll go to the store and buy you more. I know this pregnancy is a lot."

(Tendou pov)

I gently wrap my arms around my lover before deciding that he might like a bath. So picking him up bridal style I carry him to the bathroom. Setting him down on the toilet I began to set the bath up. Turning towards him I gently caressed his face. "I love you so much paradise. Thank you for allowing me to have a child with you" With those words came the waterworks. I sigh and finished preparing the bath before stripping him and myself naked. Placing him in the water I get in behind him.

I gently began to massage his shoulders knowing that every part of his body hurt. He hummed in satisfaction before leaning his back to my chest. "I'm sorry for chasing you with a chair" I quietly chuckle, "It's okay my paradise. I know you're going through a lot with the pregnancy and all"

He began smiling after I said that. "What do you think the gender of the baby is?" I asked as I gently rubbed his belly. "I don't care. As long as they are true to themselves and face the world with their head held high."

I kiss his temple humming in response.

"I'm so glad you're my new paradise, I love you so much"

"I love you too, my guess monster"

(Third pov)

The rest of the night was spent cuddling and a tired Tendou going to buy what he promised at 1 am.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry, it's a bit short I didn't know what else to put. I hope this was good. I love you my sweet potatoes muah

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