C.S~ Tsukishima & Yamaguchi

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Character: Tsukishima Kei & Yamaguchi Tadashi
Type: Lemon 🍋
Story Name: Take advantage

(M/n pov)

I yawned a bit before laying my head on Tsukki's shoulder. I could feel him tense a bit before relaxing. I looked over at Yams and saw him staring at us already. I smiled and patted my lap, he smiled before laying his head on my lap. I began to play with his hair and looked back at the TV.

It was around 8 pm when the guys decided they should go home. I was about to send them out when I noticed that it was snowing hard. I looked back at them and spoke up, "Tsukki, Yams um I think you guys might have to stay here for the night. It's snowing hard and I wouldn't want anything to happen to either of you."

They looked out of the window before Kei groaned and spoke, "Fine I guess if I had to stay snowed in with two people I would rather it be you guys." Yams and I looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. "You know Tsukki it's okay to say you love us," Yams said which caused Tsukki to flinch and blush a bit. He pushed his glasses up his nose before grumbling out a 'whatever and don't call me Tsukki' which just made Yams and me laugh harder in response.

"(M/n) we don't have any clothes to change into." Yams said turning towards me. I hummed in thought before brighten up and running towards my room, I ran back to the guys before shoving sweatpants and socks into their chest. "Okay, so the other day I made the mistake of buying sweatpants way too big for me and well I was going to return them but since I didn't you can have them but the thing is I don't have shirts for you guys."

They looked down at the sweatpants before smiling softly at me and Tsukki ruffled my hair, "Thanks shrimpy." I smile back before speaking, "Tsukki you can use the guest bathroom, and Yams you can use my parents' bathroom so that you guys can shower at the same time. I'll also take a shower but if I take too long then you can just go ahead and continue watching TV."

*time skip*

After I finished showering I went ahead and put on an oversized hoodie and shorts. I walked outside of my room towards the living room and to my surprise, the others weren't there. I heard noises coming from the kitchen so I went ahead and walked in there. I saw Tsukki making ramen and Yams just chilling with his phone. But I wasn't focused on it. The thing that had my focus was their abs and v-lines.

I was so distracted by their abs that I didn't notice them smirking at each other and me. "What's wrong shrimpy? See something you like?" My eyes go wide and I grew a huge blush. I looked down at the ground before I felt two fingers underneath my chin making me look up at the person. To my surprise, it was Yams with a look of pure lust, "Come on baby boy no need to be shy. Tell us did you see something you like" I nodded my head as I made sure to keep eye contact with him.

Tsukki wrapped his arms around my waist before he whispered in my ear, "Use your words, baby boy." I nodded my head before speaking, "I l-like your abs. I-i think you g-guys looked good in the sweatpants." I felt Yams' thumb run over my bottom lip before he put it in my mouth making me suck on it. I watched as Tsukki leaned over my shoulder before kissing Yams. I whimper against Yams' thumb since I was being ignored.

They pulled apart before smirking down at me, "Guess we better take advantage of this situation. Don't you think Yams" Tsukki said? And Yams nodded his head in agreement.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.
I won't be writing part two sorry🥺

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