Cheater! Atsumu x Sakusa

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Character: Atsumu Miya and Sakusa Kiyoomi
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy ending☁️
Story Name: I'll treat you better
⚠️Time Skip Spoilers⚠️

(M/n pov)

I sat on the stands watching my boyfriend's volleyball team go against another. I wanted to surprise him so I didn't tell him that I was coming to watch him. I watched as Atsumu set towards Hinata before he spiked it down winning them the set. I smiled happily quietly cheering for Atsumu because if I opened my mouth I knew that I'd scream so loud that he'd know I was here. I continued watching as they beat the team they were playing against. As I stood up to cheer and call Atsumu's name I heard someone scream, "That's my boyfriend Atsumu Miya best setter."

Looking over I see a beautiful girl holding up a sign that said 'Atsumu's the best'. I looked back at Atsumu to see him smiling and blowing kisses at the girl. I watched as the team left the gym and the girl quickly get up to meet up with Atsumu outside. Quickly following behind her I watched as she jumped into Atsumu's arms before they shared a kiss. I saw the looks of disgust from the rest of the team as they watched the interaction. I stepped out from where I was hiding before I cleared my throat catching the attention of everyone including Atsumu's.

I watched as he pushed the girl off him before looking at me with an alarmed look on his face. "Baby listen it's not what it looks like" I scoff before putting my hands on my hips. "Then please feel free to explain the situation Atsumu," I said while glaring at him. He looked down at the floor and didn't even attempt to say anything. I began laughing before I spoke up, "And to think that I wasted two years of my life on a piece of shit like you. Lose my fucking number and never speak to me again" I said before turning around and walking away from him. He tried to call my name and run after me but I was already far gone.

Once I got home I began to pack all his shit before putting it outside. I went to Home Depot bought a new lock and went back home and installed it. I sat on my bed before laying out a sigh, 'I'm not going to cry over some asshole cause I'm much stronger than that. I'm going to change myself for the better before showing him that I never did and never will need his ass' I thought before smiling softly to myself at the thought that I'm going to improve myself.

*time skip four months*

I hummed a bit as I walked towards my favorite cafe. Walking inside I walked towards the cashier before I heard someone say my name from behind me. Looking over I saw Sakusa, I smiled a bit before ordering my drink and walking over to him. "Hey Sakusa, how have you been?" He stared at me in surprise before speaking, "I've been good and you?" He asked looking a bit concerned. I giggled a bit before speaking, "I've been good Sakusa. And you don't have to worry about being careful with what you say" he tensed state immediately relaxed before he pulled down his mask and smiled at me. We began talking about anything and everything. We laughed and got to know each other and noticed that we have a lot in common. In the end, we decided on every Saturday at 2 pm if he's not busy we would come here and talk. It wasn't long until I caught feeling for Sakusa but I was afraid to tell him because I didn't want to ruin what we already have.

I looked up and gasped when I saw I was about to be late. Running around my apartment I grabbed my things before running towards the cafe. Once I arrived I heard yells from the corner so I went to see what was going on only to see Atsumu and Sakusa quietly arguing with each other. I hid and listened in on what they were arguing about, "Why the hell do you keep coming here?" "You know very well why I'm coming here Atsumu. You think I didn't notice you following me last week?" Sakusa said. "Why do you keep meeting up with (M/n)?" I heard Sakusa scoff before speaking in an angry voice, "I don't think that's any of your business. (M/n) broke up with your ass for cheating on him that's on you. And now that I've gotten to know him I don't understand how you could do that. He's sweet and one of the best people I've ever met and in the end, I couldn't help but fall in love with him"

"So I'm going to need you to back the fuck up and leave (M/n) alone cause from what I can tell he doesn't want your ass anymore." I heard footsteps come in my direction before I came face to face with Sakusa. He stared at me with a big blush and wide eyes, "H-how much did you hear?" I smiled a bit before wrapping my arms around his neck, "I heard enough to know that THE Sakusa Kiyoomi has fallen in love with me" he blushed harder but put his hands on my hips, "Do you happen to like me too?" He asked softly. I smiled before I pulled down his mask and pecked his lips, "What do you think dummy?" He rolled his eyes before smiling and pulling me into a kiss.

We pulled away before we smiled at each other. "I promise I'll treat you better (M/n)" "I know you will Sakusa".

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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