Cheater!Oikawa + Iwaizumi

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Character(s): Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Angst💔, fluffy ending☁️
Story Name: Cheater
Request: N/A

(M/n pov)

There I stood in front of my now ex-boyfriend door. All that I could hear as I silently cried were moans and groans coming from Oikawa and the female he was with. I turn around and walk towards the kitchen grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

'Hey, just thought I'd come by and see my boyfriend and have a movie night since I know you were sad about losing to shiratorizawa. But I thought I would surprise you instead of telling you but looks like I was the one who got surprised instead'

With that I left and on my way home I cried the whole way and when I finally make it home I sat on the bed and curl into a ball and cry for the rest of the night.

*Time Skip brought to you Oikawa favorite food is milk bread*

(Iwaizumi's pov)

I look around again. This is the fifth day that (M/n) hasn't come to either school or practice and I'm genuinely concerned for him but it seem shittykawa doesn't care at all. "Shittykawa where is (M/n), he hasn't been coming to practice or school" I state as I glare at him. He visibly flinched when I mentioned (M/n). He whispered something but I could hear him "Shittykawa what the hell did you do?" I grab a volleyball and he started tearing up and he shouted out seeing my pissed off face what he said had everyone in the gym freeze.

"He caught me cheating after our game with Shiratorizawa and I haven't seen him since" We all stand there looking at him. I throw the volleyball at him and run towards (M/n) house.

I knock wildly at the door. Not even a minute later the door was slightly opened. From what I can see it was (M/n) with very puffy, red eyes and looking skinny. I push the door open and wrap my arms around his smaller frame. He immediately starts crying and tightly grabbing my shirt. I hold him close and gently play with his hair attempting to calm him down. After a while he calmed down. I close the house door and pick him up and take him to the couch and sit him on my lap.

"Hey, everything is okay. I'm here now. You never have to worry about Shittykawa again. I'll stay by your side. I promise. I love you so much so I can't bare seeing you like this." I rambled but I clearly didn't realize what I said. But I processed everything I said when I saw they way he was staring at me.

"Ah i-im sorry I know you just went through a heart break. So you probably don't even want feeling pushed on you again"

He takes a deep breath and replies "I wouldn't mind spending time with you. Not like going out but just being out together." I let out a sigh of relief and nod my head.

*Time Skip*

It's been a couple months since me and (M/n) have been hanging out. Today was the day I'm going ask him out seeing as though he seems to be feeling better since what happened with shittykawa.

I had him meet me at our favorite park. I was pacing back and forth extremely nervous. "Hi Hajime-kun" I take a deep breath in and turn toward him and grab his hands "(M/n) I have something to ask" he smiles and nods his head telling me to go on.

"I was wondering if you would like to become my boyfriend and you know you don't have to say yes. I understand if you don't feel the sa-" I was cut off by a pair of lips, after a bit we break apart. He giggles "You worry too much Hajime-kun, I'd love to ve your boyfriend" I smile at him and we hug.

(Oikawa pov)

We were at practice and I noticed that Iwa-chan was looking really happy and he wasn't yelling at me or even paying attention to me or anyone for that matter he was staring at his phone texting during breaks. Once the coach announced practice was over, we headed to change. "Hey, Iwazumi you okay? You look really happy today" Matsu asks him. He nods his head and shrugged "My boyfriend is coming to pick me up today". We all stare at him in shock. "In fact he's here now, see you tomorrow"

We all run out of the changing room to see who his boyfriend was and to my surprise it's (M/n) looking like a radiant angel. 'Has he always looked like that.' I wonder. We all stare as Iwa-chan gives him a kiss and they smile at each other and walk out of the gym holding hands.

'I really wish I never let you go. Is the way you look at Iwa-chan the way you used to look at me? Why would I ever hurt you? Why couldn't I realize that you were the best thing that happened to me'

(Third pov)

Years later after high school and college Iwaizumi and (M/n) got married and adopted 2 kids and 1 dog. And lived happily for the rest of their life.

(M/n) forgave Oikawa and he himself turned a new leaf and became a better person.


I hope you guys enjoyed. This one is a little longer. Please request if you have any ideas. I would love to make your stories come to life.
I love you my sweet potatoes♡

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