Kuroo & Yaku

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Character: Kuroo Tetsurou and Yaku Morisuke
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy Ending☁️
Story Name: Are you sure?
*This one might be a bit longer*

(M/n pov)

I made my way towards the gym with a bright smile on my face because only one thing was going through my head. 'Today is the day (M/n), you are going to confess to Yaku and Kuroo today'. Approaching the gym door I opened it only to see the entire team looking at me. Even though they were all looking at me my eyes couldn't help but widen at the sight that was in front of me. Yaku and Kuroo were holding hands, with a bright smile Kuroo spoke up, "(M/n) we're glad you finally made it. Now we can finally tell you guys that Yaku and I are dating" I felt my heart drop.

I stared at them with tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. Kenma looked at me worryingly since he knew I was going to confess to them today. I quickly wiped my eyes before putting a fake smile on my face, "Congratulations you two. I um only came by to tell you that guys that I can't practice." Before anyone could say anything I ran out of the gym towards my house.

(Yaku pov)

We all watched as (M/n) ran away from the gym. "Why did he run away?" Yamamoto asked. "Maybe he's homophobic" Lev stated with a frown on his face making all of us look at him. Before any of us could say anything Lev was hit with a volleyball and then kicked down by a very angry looking Kenma, "You EVER say some dumb shit like that because I won't hesitate to take you out and trust me when I say no one will ever find your body" Lev looked scared. Kenma turned towards us, "(M/n) is not homophobic. He just... I shouldn't be the one his business. If you want to know ask him yourselves."

Everyone went back to practice except for Kuroo and me. He hugged me from behind before laying his chin on top of my head. "Do you think chibi-chan hates us?" Kuroo asked. I sighed before speaking, "I hope not"

(Third pov)

For the next couple of days, Kuroo and Yaku noticed how (M/n) seemed to have disappeared. They were upset and worried as to why they couldn't contact him or find him. On (M/n) the poor boy was heartbroken. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, his eyes were red and puffy and it seemed like he could pass out at any moment. (M/n) was walking towards the school gate to go home. Before he could get too far he heard someone yell his name. Turning towards the person (M/n) eyes widened when he saw it was Kuroo and Yaku and they were running towards him.

Without thinking the boy held his book bag to his chest before sprinting off in the direction of his home. Leaving Kuroo and Yaku behind with their jaws on the ground. They looked at each other before running after the boy. They watched as the boy attempted to unlock his house door but since he was shaking so much he was unable to. They quickly grabbed the boy before he could get into his house. (M/n) stared at them in pure horror.

"Why have you been avoiding us?" Yaku asked with a frown on his face. (M/n) opened his mouth to try and say something but he came up short. So he looked down at the ground in pure guilt. Kuroo sighed before grabbing the keys out of the boy's hands before unlocking his house door and dragging both (M/n) and Yaku into the house. Kuroo sat the boy on the couch before he sat down in another one Yaku sitting beside him. They looked at each other before they looked at (M/n), "Why are you avoiding us? Are you uncomfortable with us dating or something?" Kuroo asked.

(M/n) snapped his head towards them shaking his head with wide eyes. "So what is it?" Yaku asked. (M/n) looked down at his hands contemplating whether or not he should say something. Taking a deep breath he spoke up, "I'll tell you guys b-but promise me that you won't get mad" they nodded their heads before (M/n) spoke up and said something that has Kuroo and Yaku smiling ear to ear.

"I-i was going to confess to y-you guys on the day you told everyone you guys are dating and it broke my heart and I couldn't stand to see you guys. I-i know it's self-" (M/n) was cut off when arms wrapped around his body, he looked at them confused. "Didn't expect the chibi to confess first" Kuroo stated with a smirk on his lips. Yaku simply rolled his eyes before making (M/n) look at him. "Why didn't you tell us baby? We have feelings for you too love. we were going to ask you to be our boyfriend but you had run off before we could" (M/n) stared at him in pure surprise.

"A-are you sure?" Kuroo chuckled before speaking, "Of course chibi-chan. Have you seen yourself? You're not only cute but adorable and amazing" those words had (M/n) flustered to the point where he could've passed out. Yaku spoke up next, "Would you like to be our boyfriend?" "Y-yes" (M/n) said looking up at them shyly. They smiled before took turns pecking his lips. They cuddled the boy closer after seeing how tired he looked effectively putting him to sleep.

Yaku and Kuroo smiled at each other before looking at the boy they held in their arms. They couldn't help but feel extreme happiness as they finally had the missing piece. They couldn't wait to start a relationship with the boy and try their hardest to make him happy and make him feel loved.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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