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Character: Oikawa Tooru
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: Infinite love
Request: OukaBarsburg

(M/n pov)

I silently cry as I looked down at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. A million and one things are running through my head, but only one of them is extremely prominent, 'I can't let Tooru find out about this baby. I CAN'T be the reason why Tooru's volleyball career ends.'

With that thought in my mind, I went downstairs and told my family about the pregnancy. They were all extremely supportive and asked me what I wanted to do since I didn't want to tell Tooru. I hummed in thought before speaking up, "Can we move to Argentina? I would like to raise my child. But I don't want to ruin Tooru's career." My family agreed and just like that in less than a week we were gone. And I thank the stars above that Tooru was gone for a training camp. I blocked him on everything and cut contact with every friend in Japan and just like that, I fell off the face of the earth to them.

(Oikawa pov)

I skipped happily towards my lovely boyfriend's house but came to a quick stop once I saw that it looked deserted. No cars were in the driveway and no furniture was on the porch. I quickly walked towards the door and was about to knock when I saw a paper that read that the house was now sold. I started to freak up but still thought that it was all a big prank.

I start looking through the windows and trying to contact (M/n) at all cost but nothing. I quickly go over to their neighbors' house and knock at the door. The door is opened by an old woman who looks me up and down before gasping a bit. "Wait here" is all she said before running inside her house, not even 5 seconds later she comes back but with a note this time. She hands it to me looking at me apologetically before closing the door.

I look down at the note before walking towards (M/n) house again I sit down on the stairs ways before opening the letter.

'To my dear Tooru,

I know you might be wondering where I am but do not worry, I'm okay. Tooru continues doing what you're doing. Be the best volleyball player out there. The reason I left has nothing to do with you I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart.

With much love, (L/n) (M/n)'

By the end of that letter, I was crying my heart out. I hug the note close to my chest before mentally making a promise to my love, 'I'll become the best volleyball player, just for you my love'

*Time skip 4 years into the future*

(M/n pov)

"Papa, papa look daddy is on the TV again" I smiled at my daughter Akari who is now three years old and looks like a beautiful mix between Oikawa and me. She has Oikawa's brown hair and my (e/c) eyes.

I ended up making sure she knew about her dad and how proud she should be of him for playing on the volleyball team for Brazil. I'm glad he made it big just as I asked him to. Even after all these years, I can't help but still be in love with him.

"Papa, can we go to the park and get ice cream?" Akira asked me looking at me with her big puppy eyes. I smiled at her, "We can go if you clean your room" I have never seen a toddler move so fast which made me giggle.

We took a shower and got dressed and made our way towards the park. Once we made it to the park I couldn't help but notice the random boys playing volleyball in one of the public courts, smiling sadly, I snapped out of my daydream as I felt a tug in my pants. Looking down at Akira before smiling at her and picking her up and placing her on my hip.

"Let's go get you some ice cream, beautiful" she squeals in happiness as we began walking to one of the stalls in the park. I order her favorite ice cream and get (f/f) ice cream for myself. We were walking down the sidewalks towards the playscape for kids when I heard the voice of the person I never expected to see again.

"(M/n) is that you?" I turned around and there stood Oikawa Tooru. I couldn't help but pull Akira closer to me. That's when Tooru's eyes went from me to Akira. Akira dropped her ice cream before screaming out the words that had me freeze in fear, "Papa, papa look its daddy. He's here to finally see me" Before I could stop Akira she ran towards Tooru and hugged his leg.

"Akira sweetheart please come back," I say, terrified of what Tooru might be thinking. Tooru looked at me then back at Akira and then he looked at me again, "What's her full name?" I look at the ground before replying, "Oikawa Akira, her name is Oikawa Akira." His eyes went wide before he picked up Akira and walked towards me.

"Is she why you left 4 years ago? Because you were afraid of what would happen between us if you told me you were having our child." I looked at him with tears in my eyes and slowly nod my head. With Akira on his hip being held by one of his arms he slowly wrapped his other arm and pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry for not telling you Tooru. I knew I should've told you but I was afraid that I would end your volleyball career." He sighed before speaking up, "(M/n) you are and will always be my priority. And no matter what you will never ruin anything for me. You make me so freaking happy and when you left I almost broke down and after that, there were times where I wanted to give up on volleyball and look all over the world for you but then I remembered the promise I had made to you, even if you didn't know about it. That I would do everything in my power to become one of the best volleyball players and make you proud." I look at him wide-eyed before smiling at him he smiled and pecked my lips before looking at Akira and kissing her forehead.

She giggled and smiled at both of us. I smiled at them and turned towards Tooru, "So?" He smiled at me, "Want to start talking again and maybe become something more" I nodded my head and he chuckled at my enthusiasm before kissing my forehead again.

"(M/n) you might not know this but I have an infinite love for you"

I smile again and giggle, "Same with me Tooru"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one is a little longer. But I had fun writing it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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