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Character: Tendou Satori
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: Adorable
Request: fanficz0z
(N/n) ~ nickname

(Tendou pov)

I was sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring so that I could go to practice. But as soon as it rang a group of boys who were like 3-4 inches shorter than me but stronger than me seeing as they had muscles walked towards me. One of them slammed their hand on my desk getting the attention of the students who were about to leave.

"Well well well, if it isn't the school's freak. I'm pretty sure your team doesn't even like you and only use you for your talent. And that pretty manager of yours is probably scared of you because of how freaky and scary looking you are." I stare at him. He bursts out laughing with the rest of his gang laughing too. "Ha you might be as dumb and as you are freaky looking" With that they left. I got up and went to the gym.

Once there (M/n) came up to me, "Tendou are you okay?" I nodded my head and proceeded to change and got to practice.

The bullying went on for weeks but I didn't tell anyone about it. It went from verbal bullying, to verbal and physical. Where they would do things like pushing me, make me slam against the wall or doors.

*Time Skip*

I thought it was going to be another day but how wrong I was. It was after school and I was walking to the gym but my arm got pulled and I was taken behind one of the buildings. I look to see the bullies. The leader walked up to me and stared at me before speaking up, "That manager of yours, M/n, give me his number" My eyes go wide as I shake my head. He got mad almost immediately and he grabbed my collar. "You WILL give me his number." I stare at him, "No I will not give you his number" he got angry and punched me in the face.

They all cheered and then just left.

(M/n pov)

I sat on the bench worried for Tendou as he hadn't shown up for practice just yet. My head snapped over to the gym doors as I heard them being opened to see Tendou walking in with a hand covering his eye. I quickly walked up to the redhead and gasp seeing the red punch mark on his face. I lead him to the back room and sit him down and start treating the area where he got hit because it was red and was slightly bleeding.

It was silent until I put an ice pack on the area that's when I spoke up, "Tendou what happened? And tell me the truth" He visibly flinched at my question before looking down. He let out a sigh before speaking up, "I've been getting made fun of the last couple of weeks because of how I look, and honestly it didn't bother me as much but after a while, it went from verbal to physical bullying until today when the leader of the group asked me to give them your number but I straight up refused and he ended up punching me" he said that all in one breath while still looking down.

I of course was fuming but decided that the best thing I could do was comfort him. "Tendou listen to me okay... You are the most handsome, most adorable, and the sweetest guy I've ever met. You have no idea how happy you make me. Heck, when you don't come to practice it's like all the guys even Ushijima have no energy to practice. I love- I mean we love you so freaking much so please don't listen to them." I almost slipped up and told him that I love him and have had a crush on him for a while.

Tendou stared at me before smiling at me. "Thank you for that (n/n)" I smile back. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap before hugging me. He pulled back before putting his hands on my face. I didn't move even though one of them was extremely cold because of the ice pack.

"(N/n) I want to tell you why I was so against giving them your number." I nodded my head silently telling him to continue. "I have a crush on you. I've had one for a while. I don't know if you feel the same but if you don't that oka-" I cut him off by kissing him on the lips. "I like you too Tendou" "Satori" I tiled my head in confusion. "Call me Satori. I mean you can call me that if you want to be my boyfriend" I smile again and nod my head.

*time skip*

It's been a couple of days since Satori and I started dating and I had been following him to see who the hell is bullying my baby. I finally found out who they were and came to the realization that they were wayyy bigger than me but I'm crazy and know how to fight and immediately brought hell on them. I even got them suspended after beating them up.

Currently, Tendou and I were cuddling in my room. I was in his arms as a random movie was being played on the TV. "Thank you for accepting me and all of my freakiness" Sarori stated.

I look up at him and smile, "No problem, my adorable monster" he leaned down and pecked my lips. "I love you so much" I giggle and give him an kunik kiss, "I love you too, darling"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Here is Tendou being an adorable baby boy. I love you sweet potatoes

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