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Character: Oikawa Tooru
Type: Angst💔
Story Name: Why?

(M/n pov)

I happily skip towards Aoba Johsia a bright smile on my face. Today I was going to surprise my long-term boyfriend with myself. We haven't been able to see each other in a while because I have been busy with exams and other things. But we have a tempted to call almost every night and we do it ends up calling for hours on end. Approaching the gym door I couldn't help but feel giddy, inhaling a deep breath out of nervousness since I haven't seen my boyfriend in a while I smile and opened the gym door.

As soon as I open the door my smile jobs along with the hand I was holding onto the door. There stood my boyfriend Oikawa kissing up on his best friend Iwaizumi. The worst part was that he was kissing him back. He always told me to never worry about his best friend because he didn't like him that way guess it wasn't like that. I cleared my throat getting their attention along with everybody else in the gym. I watched as Oikawa's eyes went wide and he quickly pushed Iwaizumi away before attempting to walk towards me.

I stare at him tears in the corner of my eye making no moves to say nothing or even burst out in tears. I will get him disappointed and hurt before I spoke up in a quiet voice, "Why?" He stared at me and attempted to walk towards me but with every step he took, I took a step back not wanting him to get close to me at all. "Shittykawa, who is this?" Iwaizumi asked. And that's when I realized that he never told anyone about me. And why he never wanted me to come to watch his practice or his games.

Now I'm just staring at Oikawa in pure surprise that he dared to treat me this way. Turning my head over to Iwaizumi I bow down a bit before sarcastically saying, "I'm his boyfriend well not ex since he went ahead and cheated on me with you" without saying anything else I turned around and simply walked away. On my way home I couldn't help but think one thing 'Why?'

'Why would he cheat on me? Is it because I'm ugly is it because he was embarrassed by me? Why do I have to be the one to get hurt every single time?' As I was walking down the sidewalk towards my house I was looking down and I didn't notice the person in front of me until the last second when my face hit the chest. I fell to the ground while the person didn't move at all. I looked up and to my surprise, it was one of the most handsome guy I had ever seen.

He looked down at me before extending a hand out for me to grab. I grabbed it before he pulled me up, he leaned down to my height before furrowing his eyebrows a bit, "You seemed to have been crying, are you okay?" I sniffled a bit before nodding my head. He looked somewhat worried before going into the bag I just realized he was holding and grabbing a flower. He gave me a lopsided smile before handing me the flower, "Hope you feel better. Um my names are Ushijima Wakatoshi" I smiled a bit before grabbing the flower, "Thank you and my names (L/n) (M/n)"

He smiled softly before proceeding to ask me if I wanted to help him plant some flowers to which I agreed. What I didn't know was that Ushijima and I were walking Oikawa was watching us with tears running down his face. For the next couple of months, I spent my time with Ushijima and ended up completely forgetting about Oikawa since I was having so much fun with him. Until one day Ushijima asked me out in the best way possible. With a bouquet of my favorite flowers and my favorite snack. Of course, I said yes, and ever since then we have been dating and he treats me like a king even though he's my kind king. Now I'm never left to wonder why I was cheated on.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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