Cheater! Bokuto x Hinata

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Character: Bokuto Koutarou and Hinata Shoyo
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy ending☁️
Story Name: I'll be your new light

(M/n pov)

Bo💕: Hey Bo, where are you? I'm waiting at the café for you

I sighed sadly as Bokuto once again was late to our date. I put my phone in my coat pocket before I got up and made my way towards the cashier. "How may I help you, sugar cube?" The older lady asked. I smiled a bit at the nickname before I replied, "May I please have a (favorite sweet drink) and (favorite pastry) to go?" She smiled and nodded. I paid for my things and waited for her to give them to me. After about three minutes she gave me my pastry and drink and another small baggie. "Um, I'm sorry I don't remember ordering this." She shook her head, "No worries it's on the house, sugar. You seem like you have a lot on your mind." I smiled and bowed, "Thank you, ma'am," I said as I stood back up and began walking out of the cafe.

I waved goodbye to the lady before beginning my walk towards my house. As I walked I looked at the scenery as I began to drink my (F/S/D). I let out a small smile as I saw the little kids running around in the park and the happy couples holding hands. I decided to take a long way home and walk through the park. I continued my walk through the park when a group of kids ran in front of me. I gasped when a little kid ended up falling. I went down on one knee before I gently picked them up, "Are you, okay buddy?" He nodded his head before he ran off once again with a thank you. I stood up and continued my walk towards my house.

Before I fully exited the park I saw a familiar head of hair. I frowned a bit in confusion before I decided to follow him. I continued to follow him until  I saw him stand behind a guy with black hair. I could feel my heart drop as he tapped the guy's shoulder and got on one knee. I could see him agree before Bokuto stood up and spun him around. I gasped as people began appearing and cheering loudly. I looked at the people before my eyes caught the sight of Hinata angrily glaring at Bokuto. I took out my phone and quickly texted him.

Sho💕: Sho looked over at the tree with the red lights.

I saw him take out his phone before he gasped and looked over at where I was standing. He quickly came over to me and pulled me into a hug almost making me cry. I sniffled a bit as he continued to run my back and comfort me. "I'm sorry you had to witness his purpose to the other guy in front of you" I shook my head before I pulled away from the hug. "I knew it was coming. We had fallen out of love a while ago. It still hurts that he couldn't break up with me before dating someone else though." He sighed and gently caressed my face, "But (M/n) that doesn't mean you should've been treated like that. In all honesty..." He started before taking a deep breath and grabbing my hands in his, "You deserve the world if not the universe. I know that when you did love Bokuto he was the light of your life. And if you could give me a chance I'll be your new light"

He closed his eyes seemingly waiting for rejection while I just blushed brightly. I pulled my hands out of his before placing them on his cheeks and pulling him down into a kiss. He wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him and deepening the kiss. We pulled apart when we ran out of air, "Does this mean we're boyfriends now?" I smiled brightly as I nodded. He smiled brighter than me before he picked me up and spun me around. "Thank you for choosing me," he said. "No thank you for always being by my side"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Iwaizumi Hajime (Fantasy AU)

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