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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I got to him first
*Fantasy AU**Femboy reader*

(M/n pov)

"(M/n), are you ready to go to the kingdom games? You know it's an important time for all of the kingdoms." I heard my mother say as she walked into my room. I let out a groan before I rolled my eyes while looking into the mirror and finishing up my hair. "I don't get why I have to go. It's basically where all of the princes fight to be recognized as the strongest by all of the kingdom's eligible women. I don't want to go but I'm being forced to anyway, huh?" My mother giggled before gently laying a hand on my shoulder, "I mean I didn't want to tell you so early but..." She paused before smiling brightly, "Your fiancé is participating" I got up, my chair sliding tight through the floor. "WHAT!?!" I yelled.

She backed away before putting her hands on her hips, "I'm guessing you want to go now?" She said, raising an eyebrow at me. I paused before yelling, "Of course I have to go now! I have to make sure none of those dusty girls get near my man." With that, I ran into my closet to pick the perfect outfit to wear. "Umm honey" my mom started, "You know we have to leave in ten minutes to be able to make it to the games on time." I stared at her before raising an eyebrow, "Mother you underestimate me. I'll be ready in a flash. You can go and wait in the carriage with your father. I'll be right there." She hummed and left my room. I looked around my closet before smirking when I saw the perfect outfit.

I ran out of my room and into the carriage

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I ran out of my room and into the carriage. "You look wonderful, honey," my mother said. "Thank you mother," I said smiling brightly. With that, we began our ride towards the mutual fighting grounds.

*time skip*

We finally made it to the arena. We got out of the carriage and almost immediately got dragged to our seats by knights. We thanked them before we watched as the princes warmed up. I watched my fiancé stretch and crack his neck before picking up the sword I had gifted him. I smiled brightly as I felt my mother grabbed my hand. As I was about to call out to him I heard a bunch of girls call his name. He spared them no glances or attention which made them pout and continue to try and get his attention. I pouted but didn't say anything knowing full well my lover only has an eye for me, just like I have an eye for him.

It wasn't long till the games began. We watched as each prince fought against each other. I could tell that they didn't want to fight Iwaizumi. I continued to watch and almost got into a fight myself when another prince almost stabbed Iwaizumi. I bounced my leg from nervousness as I continued watching. My lover continued through the rank until he was one of the two princes left to fight for the winning title. He still hadn't noticed that I was there and I was glad about it because it could've probably distracted him. After all, he knows exactly how I feel about him getting hurt.

It was finally the last minute of the fight everyone was quiet and tense in the arena. I saw them both run into each other before I closed my eyes terrified of the outcome. But suddenly I heard cheering coming from my mother, "(M/n) open your eyes. Your fiancé won." I immediately opened my eyes to see my lover helping the other prince stand up and receiving his well-deserved metal. I stood up and ran down the stairs and towards him. When I got down to where he was at I saw that he was surrounded by a bunch of girls. But I didn't worry since I could tell he was looking for me in the crowd. "Hajime!" I yelled immediately catching the attention of all the girls and my lover. He smiled softly at me before walking over to me and pulling me into a hug, "You were amazing out there, love. So strong and smart with your defense" I say as I gently squeeze his biceps.

He rolled his eyes before kissing my forehead. Everyone gasped but the girls gasped louder than anyone, "You guys are together?!?" They yelled simultaneously. I smirked before speaking, "Yes he's my fiancé so you guys know what that means..." I grabbed his hand, "I got to him first. I got lucky enough to have the kindest and sweetest prince to marry me and stay by my side." They all pout and walk away probably to try and get with the other princes. Iwaizumi gently grabbed my face before pecking my lips. I gasped and slap in on his chest, "These lips are reserved for the wedding day." He rolled his eyes while chuckling, "I love you so much, darling." I blushed bright red before stuttering out, "Oh I-I love y-you too. You always say the most embarrassing things"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope my stories have been entertaining y'all during this time. Anyway, I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kenma Kozume (Omegaverse)

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