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Character: Oikawa Tooru
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I'm proud of you
*Platonic Siblings*
⚠️The reader is a femboy⚠️

(M/n pov)

I sat on the couch waiting for Tooru to come home but as I sat there I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. I was finally going to tell Tooru that I'm a femboy. I meant to tell him after school but I had forgotten that he had practice and I wasn't about to say it in front of the entire team. So I choose to sit and wait for him to arrive at home. I had the tv on but I wasn't even paying attention to it because thoughts that Tooru might not want me to be his brother anymore because I like what some would call 'feminine' clothing. In my opinion, clothes don't have gender but I feel prettier in skirts and dresses.

As I looked down at my phone I saw it was around the time that Tooru got home after practice. Seeing that I began to shake from the nervousness. I continued watching the time and tv while also trying to calm myself down. I didn't have to wait much longer because Tooru burst through the door yelling my name with Iwa-chan not far behind telling me to be quiet. After all, I could be sleeping. Tooru pouted at Iwaizumi before he turned his head towards the direction I was sitting in and grinning brightly. "(N/n)-channnn if you were here why didn't you answer to your name when I caaaaalled" he whined while pulling me into a tight hug. I grunt before attempting to push him off me but I pouted when I couldn't.

Iwaizumi saw my pout and pulled Tooru off me making me smile a bit. They were about to argue but I spoke up with a shaking voice, "Aniki?" Tooru immediately turned towards me with a concerned look on his face. "(N/n)-chan is everything okay?" He asked immediately making me smile a bit, "I'm okay aniki but um I have something I want to tell you" he nodded his head and I told him and Iwaizumi to sit down, I was okay with telling Iwaizumi since he was family. Taking a deep breath I look at my brother and with the most confidence I can gather I speak up, "A-aniki I'm a f-femboy and I l-like wearing s-skirts and d-dresses." They both stared at me in complete silence and with every second that passed, I got more and more nervous about their reaction.

Tooru was the first to speak up, "Does it make you happy dressing up like that?" He asked in a serious tone but I nodded my head slowly. He nodded him before smiling, "Then I don't see a problem (n/n)-chan. Wear whatever makes you comfortable, now I have more reason to be around you. So that I can protect you from those evil boys." I stared at him before jumping off the couch I was sitting on and hugging him. We laughed before I heard a small chuckle from beside us, "(M/n) if anybody tries to bully you or do anything to you call me I'll beat them to a pulp" Iwaizumi says making me giggle and nod my head in response. Iwaizumi looked like he was going to say something else but Tooru's gasp cut him off, "(N/n)-chan we have to take you to the mall now so we can get you all the clothes you want" I stared at him with stars in my eyes before I hugged him again.

I pulled away from him and run towards my room before grabbing an outfit that I had already bought before which consisted of an oversized teal sweater that was tucked into a black skirt, white thigh highs, and black dr. martens. I did some last-minute touches on my outfit before walking out of my room catching the attention of my brother and Iwaizumi. Tooru gasped loudly before he pushed a pilling into Iwaizumi face and yelling, "Don't look at my brother he's too cute for your eyes." Iwaizumi grabbed the pillow before smacking Tooru with it. As Tooru laid on the floor from the smack Iwaizumi turned towards me before speaking, "You look amazing (M/n)." I smiled brightly before I walked towards my brother and helped him up, "Can we go to the mall now, aniki?" He smiled softly before nodding his head.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the mall with Iwaizumi and Tooru picking clothes for me. Iwaizumi saying that I looked amazing while my brother would start freaking out about how cute I was and take a million photos of me in each outfit. It was a good day. We were walking back home and Tooru hugged me towards him before he spoke up, "I'm proud of you (n/n)-chan. I'm glad you gathered the courage to tell me what made you comfortable. I'll always be here for you, same with Iwa-chan" A grunt of agreement came from Iwaizumi making me giggle in response, "Thank you guys so much" they just smiled and we continued walking towards our house.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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