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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Guess it's not always as it seems

(M/n pov)

I was laying on Hajime's bed when he popped his head through the door frame and called my name, "(M/n)?" I looked up from my phone raising an eyebrow, "What's up, petal?" I asked a bit confused. He pouted a bit before he walked over to me and sat in front of me on the bed. "Well um, the coach unexpectedly decided that we needed to practice today. And well I couldn't get out of it because of shittykawa and I know we were supposed to spen-" I kissed him completely shutting him up, "It's okay Hajime I understand how important it is for your team to make it to nationals. If you want I can drive you to the gym and watch your practice." He stared at me with stars in his eyes, "Really? You would do that for me" I smiled while nodding my head.

Suddenly he frowned a bit, I grabbed his chin making him look at me, "What's wrong, petal?" His frown deepened before he huffed, "My team nor shittykawa know that I'm an omega. And if I bring you to practice they'll know and I'm scared they'll see me differently and not want me to be part of the team anymore" he said almost on the verge of crying. "It's okay, petal. I'll be here for you and I'll make sure they aren't mean to you. Plus you're already marked" I said as I ran my finger over his mark, "So they have nothing to worry about and neither do you." He stared at me before nodding his head eyes full of determination.

He got ready while I waited for him. Once he finished getting ready we got in my car and began driving towards the gym. I saw his leg shaking from nervousness from the corner of my eye so I decided to put my hand on his thigh, "Don't worry too much, petal. I'm sure they'll understand" he nodded his head and then put his hand on top of mine. I smiled a bit before grabbing his hand and bringing it up to my lips and pressing a kiss onto it. I saw him smile from the corner of my eye which made me smile as well.

When we finally arrived, as he got ready to get down I spoke up, "Are you sure you want me to come with you? I don't want you to be uncomfortable petal" He nodded his head, "I want you to come. If anything you are my haven and make me feel comfortable" He said while blushing brightly. "Okay petal" I turned off my car and grabbed my phone and his gym bag. I held his bag in my left hand before grabbing his hand with my right. I could tell he was extremely nervous even though his face showed no signs of nervousness. We began walking towards the gym and when we were outside he stopped to breathe and calm his nerves before he opened the door.

All eyes were on us and I could tell he wanted to hide behind me so I gently squeezed his hand to reassure him. He took another deep breath before he pulled me towards his team who were now gathered up together. "Iwa-chan who is that? He's like super hot" Hajime glared at the person who said that before he spoke up, "Shut up shittykawa, and um this is my lover/alpha. (M/n) meet my team, team meet (M/n)." I smiled before bowing a bit, "It's nice to finally meet you all. Hajime has told me a lot about you guys, especially you Oikawa." They all looked at us in surprise before Oikawa spoke up, "What has Iwa-chan said about me? Probably that I'm an amazing captain and setter, right?"

I chuckled a bit before shaking my head, "Nope. He's said that you're the most annoying person ever and that it brings him joy when he sees you hurt after he hits you with a volleyball" "DAMNNNN" the rest of the team yelled out while laughing. "So you're an omega, Iwaizumi-san?" Asked another team member to which Hajime nodded his head hesitantly. "Huh guess it's not always as it seems. I expected you to be an alpha with how you're built." Said a guy with what seemed like a bee haircut. "Any thanks for sharing Iwa-chan but we need to get to practice before the coach beats us up," said Oikawa.

They all started walking back to the court while I leaned down and whispered in Hajime's ear, "Told you they would accept you. Now go show me how amazing you are." He nodded his head before whispering a soft, "I love you" "I love you too petal" With that he went ahead to practice while I watched him from the sidelines.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. Also, I've been playing Wellerman by Nathan Evans on loop for the last hour that song is amazing.

Next up:
Daichi Sawamura (Omegaverse)

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