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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Smut💦
Story Name: Never tease me again

(M/n pov)

Currently, Sugawara and I are hanging out since we are busy most of the time with our clubs. I looked down at Sugawara to see him watching the movie while cuddling into my side. I leaned down before pressing a kiss onto his head. He looked up at me with a small blush on his face and a bright smile on his face. I placed my hand on his cheek before caressing it with my thumb, "You're beautiful, my love" he blushed before leaning up and pressing a small peck on my lips. We went back to cuddling and watching the movie.

About halfway through a new movie, I felt Sugawara lay his hand on my thigh. He rubbed it up and down getting closer and closer to my cock. I didn't say or do anything cause I wanted to see what Sugawara would do. He looked up at me before sitting on my lap. I rested my hands on his hips and he wrapped his arms around my neck. He looked down at me lustfully before grinding his ass against cock. I grunt a bit before he smirked and rolled his hips against my cock in a teasing way.

He got off my lap before getting on his knees in front of me. I watched as he pulled the front of my sweatpants and boxers forward to allow my cock to pop out. He looked up at me before grabbing my cock with his right hand. He began to teasingly jerk me off. I growled a bit at the pace he was jerking me off because it was pissing me off. "Stop fucking teasing me or you'll get punished" he ignored me making me growl once again. He leaned forward before licking my tip. I grunt a bit as he wrapped his lips around my tip. He began to take more of my cock into his mouth.

I grabbed onto his hair before beginning to slowly face fuck him. I felt him moan against my cock sending a vibration through it making me groan a bit. I looked down and saw him looking up at me through his eyelashes with tears in his eyes. I smirked before beginning to face fuck him harder. He let out muffled moans and whines. He licked my slit before I grunted and released it in his mouth. I pulled him away from my cock before grabbing his chin. "Be a good boy and swallow it" he did as told and stuck his tongue out to show he did as told.

I smirked before grabbing ahold of his hair before dragging him up to stand up before throwing him against the couch. He looked up at me with wide eyes before I grabbed a hold of his chin before pulling him toward me, "You deserved to be punished for being such a tease" He could tell that I meant business. I turned him around so he was on all fours before pulling his pants down. I leaned down before spreading his cheeks and plunged my tongue into his hole. I smirked a bit when I heard him moan and whine loudly.

I continued to eat him out until I heard him whine out, "A-alpha I-im close. P-please let m-me cum" I smirked before pulling away. He gasped before looking back at me with tears in his eyes. I grabbed some lube along with a condom cause I didn't want to get my omega to get pregnant. I put a small amount of lube into my hands before beginning to stretch him out and prep him. Once I knew he was stretched enough I went ahead and opened the condom packet and put it on before rubbing my tip against his hole. He tried to push himself onto my cock but I didn't let him.

I smirked before I plunged my cock into his hole making him let out a loud whine. I smirked before grabbing his hips and began to thrust without stopping and with no mercy. I looked down at him and I saw him with his tongue out drool coming down his chin and his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. I continued to fuck him until he began to let out loud whines, moans, and whimpers. "A-alpha I'm s-sorry I-i won't tease y-you again. P-please let m-me cum" I leaned down towards his ear before grabbing his cock and beginning to jerk him off while I continued to fuck him. I whispered in his ear, "Cum for me omega" he immediately released all over the couch before tightening against my cock making me grunt and release.

I laid on top of him panting heavily before I stood up before pulling out making him whimper. I take off the condom before throwing it away and grabbing a wet cloth and wiping him and the couch down. I fixed his pants before sitting him on my lap and cuddling him. "Never tease me again baby boy" he nodded before nuzzling his head against my neck. I began to play with his hair before we fell asleep on top of the couch cuddling into each other.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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