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Character: Kuroo Tetsurou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: It's okay chibi
*Age Regression*

(Kuroo pov)

"Chibi-chan~ where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are." I say as I begin to look around the house for my baby. It was the weekend and my parents had gone on a romantic getaway for the weekend which led to my baby boy staying over and do some safe regressing with me around. Currently, my baby boy and I are playing hide and seek per his request and well I can't find him. I know this house like the back of my hand but I can't find him anywhere. "Chibi, where are you?" I heard giggles come from the kitchen area so I made my way over there. I continued to look around and when I didn't find him, I came up with another way to find him.

I dramatically fell into the couch before I spoke up, "I can't believe it. My baby is gone, I think it's time I eat all of his candies and cookies and cuddle his teddy bears." I fake sniffed before I brought my hands up to my face and fake cried. I heard the patter of my baby's feet as he ran over to me. He threw himself onto my chest effectively knocking the air out of me. "Nuuu papa don eat my candies. And papa can onwy cuddle wif me." He said as he held on to my shirt while staring at me with small tears in the corners of his eyes. I chuckled a bit before gently grabbing his face and wiping his tears away. "You have nothing to worry about chibi-chan. Papa would never take your candy, cookies, or cuddle your teddy bears. 

He smiled brightly before nuzzling his face into my chest. I began to gently play with his hair, "Hey chibi-chan, do you want to watch anything?" He shook his head before he stood up and grabbed my wrist. I raised a questioning eyebrow before I stood up and let him pull me towards the place he wanted to go. He ended up pulling me towards my room. He pulled me to my bed before he pushed me to lay down. "Sweep papa" I raised an eyebrow but I did as told and laid down. He grabbed one of his teddy bears and gave it to me. I took it and cuddled it. I watched as he went to his toy box and pulled out his doctor's toys. He put everything on before he walked over to me, "Hewwo Mr.papa." I realized he wanted to play doctor and patient so I got into character, "Hello doctor chibi." He leaned down towards my ear and 'whispered', "Papa I'm not chibi. I'm doctow (N/n)." I smiled and apologized before speaking up again, "Hello doctor (N/n)."

He gave me a bright smile before he spoke up, "Chu have ouchies?" He asked to which I nodded. "Otay where ish ouchies, Mr.papa?" I pointed towards my heart and he took his stethoscope and put it against my heart. He 'listen' to my heart he frowned, "Mr.papa needa get a shot" he grabbed his toy needle before walking over to me before he gently grabbed my arm and gave me a 'shot'. I fake sniffle once he pulled out the 'needle' and he immediately places a kiss on my arm. He took off his doctor outfit and put it away before he hugged me tightly, "I sowwy papa. I no mean to huwt chu." I stifled a laugh as I gently pulled him onto my bed and cuddled him, "It's okay chibi. I know you gave me that shot to help my heart." He smiled and nuzzled his face into my chest. I began to play with his hair. I looked at the time and realized it was his nap time, "Come on, baby. Let's take a nap." He nodded his head, "I wuv chu, papa." I smiled and kissed the top of his head, "I love you too, chibi."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kageyama Tobio

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