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Character: Kenma Kozume
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: My kitten
Request: AchiMoon15
The reader is chubby and has stretch marks( BTW if you do have them lemme kiss them. I think stretch marks are super cute which makes you cute)

(M/n pov)

It was like any other day. Well if you count Kuroo trying to make Kenma go into the pool water and Kenma outright refusing and I'm pretty sure at one point he even bit Kuroo but I wouldn't know since I'm sitting far away from where they are at.

The only reason we were at the pool was that Kuroo was complaining that since Kenma and I started dating we haven't hung out with him as much only during practice. And he refused to let our childhood friendship die. I look around a caught the stare of some girls looking at Kenma and Kuroo while giggling. I take a moment to listen to what they are saying

"The bed head one is hot, do you see his abs?" "But look at the pudding haired one. He looks like the type to be strong enough to slam you against the wall while kissing you up your nec-" I immediately stop listening not wanting to hear what she was going to say about my boyfriend. Taking a deep breath I look back at the boys and they seem to be having fun.

Kuroo dropped Kenma and me off at my house where Kenma would stay the night cause he left his volleyball practice clothes at my house. Once we took a shower we laid in bed and Kenma spoke up. "Love, do you want to cuddle?" I just nod my head and he wraps his arms around me not even 10 seconds later I hear snores coming from him. 'Guess Kuroo tired him out.' I sigh and look down at the arms wrapped around me. 'Why would he ever want to touch someone as fat like me? Why would he ever want to date someone as fat like me? He could have anyone including the skinny pretty girls I saw at the pool'

I barely got any sleep that night as my thoughts kept me up. Kenma and I got up and simply got dressed and left for school.

*time skip to the end of the day*

I let out a huff and look for Kenma when I see him standing with a girl. She suddenly bowed and pushed a pink envelope in front of Kenma face confessing how much she liked Kenma. Taking a look at her she was pretty, she was skinny which meant she probably didn't have any stretch marks like me. Before I could even hear Kenma reply I went home making sure to text him that I had gone home.

Once I got home I walked towards my room and sat on my bed and look at myself in the full-sized mirror. I just continued to stare until it got to the point where I just started crying. I continued crying for what felt like forever not realizing that Kenma was let out early from his practice and was coming over to my house.

I look at myself in the mirror again before I started to yell. "WHY WOULD ANYBODY LOVE ME. I'M JUST A WASTE OF SPACE. I'M FAT AND UNDESERVING OF SOMEONE LIKE KENMA HE DESERVES A PRETTY SKINNY PERSON TO WHO HE CAN ACTUALLY PI-" before I could continue to hands wrapped around me making me freeze right then and there.

Look up from my teary eyes into the mirror I see Kenma looking back at me. In one swift movement, he turns me towards him. "Never say those things about yourself again. You have no idea how much I love you. And you're not a waste of space. And you're right about being undeserving but you're talking about the wrong person. IM the one who doesn't deserve you. You're kind, patient, beautiful, unique, and amazing all-around compared to me you're like a shining star. Even when I'm playing video games and I push you away cause I'm close to beating a level you understand and get me food and sit next to me for when I rage or for cheering me on when I beat the level. And in reality, no one else has caught my eye like you. You're everything to me from a best friend.. don't tell Kuroo... to a lover and maybe even my future husband and future papa to our kids"

After Kenma said all that I couldn't help but stare at him wide-eyed. He smiled before directing us to my bed and pulling me close to his chest to cuddle. He began playing with my hair as I continued to process everything he said.

"I love you, my kitten, and no one can change that" looking up at him I smile. "Thank you Kenma, and I love you too" he leans down and pecks my lips before doing the same to my forehead.

The rest of that night was spent cuddling and talking about random things. 'I hope I get to marry this man someday' was my only thought as I fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you for the request. Please send more my way. I love you my sweet potatoes muah

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