1.4 My Story - Diagnosis

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Then finally the tests came and revealed the problem: I suffer from a kidney disease. Mine need more water than healthy kidneys to work correctly. The doctor said that the disease might have been there all along, but that it got worse due puberty. The good thing is that basically all I need to do is pop a pill daily and drink more water than others. The bad thing is: remember that I got dry by limiting my water intake to basically a minimum in the first place? I still needed to do this. Ironically my kidney disease is also the reason why I have a hard time controlling my bladder. That's because my kidneys always seem to stow a bit and thus send the urine in bigger waves which also stresses the sphincter more than normal. In hindsight this was pretty obviously going to become a BIG problem. But Mom, Dad and myself just thought I outgrew such problems already anyways so we didn't second-guess the doctor's instructions to at least double my liquid intake.

On the way back from the doctor the three of us ate at a restaurant. Later that evening I went down to my parents once more only to notice that Mom was missing. Just Dad was there sitting on the couch and doing some work on his laptop. He had opted to stay at home one more day just to accompany us to my final appointment.

"Hey Dad, where is Mom?", I shouted into the room.

"UH WHAT!? Ah it's you, kiddo", he startled. He must have not heard me earlier.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to disturb you..."

"No, I don't mind. I'm stuck anyways. How are you, Lyza?"

"I think I'm fine. Why?"

"Well, you got diagnosed a disease only few hours ago", he answered.

"I guess so..."

"How was it?"

"How was what? You were there..."

"No. I didn't mean that. I mean how was it in there?", he asked. Mom and Dad had stayed in the waiting room during the final checks and then got called in for the diagnosis.

"Cold. Cold and frightening"

"Did they do you any harm, Lyza!?", Dad asked with a serious look on his face.

"No, Dad, not at all! I mean...I felt like an object. I was a dead object on a cold table stripped beneath its tits that got lotioned ice cold gel on its tummy and got stared at by a doctor and two nurses from all kinds of angles.", I replied and left out the part where they palpated my vagina. Thinking about it now this should be the setting of a very strange porn flick ^^

"Oh, that sounds pretty bad. Anything I can do for you? Hot chocolate?"

"No, thanks. Once back in my pants I recovered pretty quick", I smiled.

"Good to hear, kiddo", he smiled back.

"Well at least this time they didn't stab me", I added laughingly referring to the kidney biopsy a week earlier and he joined in.

"Ah you were asking for Mom, right? She went to the 24/7 store."


"I don't know. She only told me when already on her way out. I mean you know her, too, right?", he winked.

"Yeah, I do. You gotta go tomorrow right?"

"Right. Well to be exact I will leave tonight already. My flight is 4 AM"

"Oh no! I didn't know the airport was even open so late. Or Early? But you won't be there when I get up. Where will you be?"

"Hm, I'd say Chicago waiting for my next flight. But hey, I'll call you", he promised to light me up a bit.

These three days were the longest I had seen him in maybe 8 months or so. Even though we were not doing together much I felt better when he was around, too - not just Mom. I woke up about 3 at night. I heard an engine howl just outside. I jumped up and looked out the window. Dad's cab left into the dark. This made me sad so I went down the stairs to look for Mom to feel a little less lonely, but the whole house was dark. Halfway back up I noticed a sudden urge to pee so I rushed back down and into the bathroom for a much needed pee. My turquoise hotpants hadn't even reached my ankles when I already started to pee a long stream. This puzzled me a bit and I also saw some drops inside my panties. Even though I also noticed some wetness when pulling up my pants I was just too drowsy to care. I just crawled back under my blanket and closed my eyes.

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