5.3 Uncaught - Overtime

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I opened my eyes, but couldn't see much. It was just too dark. I was irritated since it was bright as day when we started. My body still twitched. It took a while to realize that Mack was gone. Then I noticed I had a blanket on me. Slowly it dawned on me that I had just been dreaming again!! My hand was still wet though. I raised the blanket with the other hand and though I couldn't see shit I suddenly knew: My good hand was in my diaper. I had masturbated in my dreams. That pretty much explained why it went so perfectly in rhythm. And then I was sure I had indeed pissed on my hand, too. I winced and quickly pulled my hand out of my diaper. My fingers were wet, but also very sticky. And they smelled like pee. I tried to get my shit together. The clock said 3 PM. I rolled out of my bed with a crinkling sound, hit the light switch with my good elbow and wanted to get to the bathroom. But second thoughts hit me because my diaper crinkled too much without pants on. I didn't want to risk getting caught. And looking down I noticed my panties were only hanging by my thighs and suddenly lost their grip altogether dropping to the ground. I actually thought the diaper didn't look that bad until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror next to me. My bum was sagging and it looked like I had pooped myself. I turned a bit to see more. The entire backside was dyed yellow. This wasn't too surprising though thinking that I had been laying on my back. When touching my diaper bum I could make out it was very wet and also squishy. It felt like I had indeed messed, too. Though I couldn't smell anything besides urine that thought hindered my intention to just take the diaper off in my room. Since I now had a lazy hand and a wet one, I couldn't really touch anything. So I just had to go for it.

I carefully opened my door with the good elbow. It was entirely dark outside. I stepped out and listened for a moment: Nothing. I felt my heart beating really fast. I groped in the dark with my feet to find the first step of the stairway while I tried to crinkle as little as possible. Then I felt it was just too dangerous because I couldn't see anything. I reached with my left hand for the newel while slowly sneaking further and finally touched it. Every step I took I heard a rustling. It was so loud that I feared the whole neighborhood could hear it. But of course it only felt this way because everything around me was so damn quiet. I held my wet hand in front of me while my lazy arm was resting on the banister and sliding down to lead me the way. Eventually my left arm hit the lower newel so I knew I had reached downstairs. Finally I saw a small light that I knew came from the living room. This made it easier to orient myself. When taking the first step on the floor suddenly something pulled on my left shoulder and I shrieked. Who was that?! An Intruder? I instinctively turned around and panicky struck with my wet hand at whoever was holding onto me. I only hit my lazy arm and then it dawned on me that my left hand got stuck on the newel. Due to the weird angle I once again had no feel in it. Then a creak hit me and I knew it came from Mom's bedroom. I realized I had screeched in shock which must have woken her up. The creaking got louder and I knew she got up. I tried to stay calm and determained that I needed to get into the bathroom quickly. But my left hand was still stuck on the newel, so I hit my lazy arm with my wet fist until I finally broke loose. The momentum made me stumble against the wall when the light from Mom's bedroom hit the floor. Not caring about the crinkling sound anymore I rushed into the bathroom and quickly locked the door behind me. I was safe. I heard her walk by the bathroom.

"It's just me, Mom, sorry!", I shouted through the door. The steps got closer.

"Hun, are you alright? I heard you scream", she returned and I tried to come up with an explaination.

"I...I just hit my toe on the newel"

"Are you hurt?"

"No, it just got me out of nowhere, you know. Sorry again"

"Oh, don't worry. Sleep well, honey", she added and I heard her walking back to her bedroom.

"You, too", I returned and took a deep breath sitting down on the toilet lid when I suddenly heard her change direction again. I stared at my now yellow diaper.

"Honey?", she asked once she was back.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Why didn't you just switch on the light for Christ's sake?"

"Er...I...forgot?", I returned unconvincingly and now I was suddenly in deep deep trouble.

"What's going on here!? Open the door!", she shouted.

"But I'm on the pot, Mom"

"No, something is wrong here. Open the door, Lyza!", Mom enforced and I knew she wouldn't go away until I opened the door for her. Again I looked at my diaper. How was I supposed to get out of this predicament?

"Okay, wait just a second", I answered her. I knew I needed to get out of the diaper first. I could only hope I hadn't shit myself. I wanted to pull off the tapes, but that turned out to be very noisy. I didn't want her to get even more suspicious. But what could I do with only one hand?

"Open the door NOW!", Mom shouted again...

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