6.18 Game Over - Special Studies

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So I wanted to get things going and took my phone. Mom had texted me reminders for hydrating and that she looked forward to seeing me again. My heart skipped a beat that she felt the same as I did. But before I got going I wrote Mack that I was done for today and asked him where he was. Merely thirty seconds later someone tipped on my shoulder and made me shriek. If I hadn't just emptied my bladder I would've definitely lost it now ^^ I turned around and to my surprise it was Mack.

"Mackie!", I shouted overjoyed and gave him a big hug.

"Hey Lyz"

"That was fast"

"Yeah, I had just arrived when you suddenly wrote me", he chuckled.

"It's great to see you. How are you?"

"I'm still devastated, but your smile already makes me feel a bit better", he declared smiling as well.

"Do you really think it will be that bad?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. They've already summoned my Mom twice in the past and told her I was on a bad way"

"How many subjects are affected?"

"Chemistry and Geography are sorta bad, too, but I won't fail them. Biology on the other hand is way worse. Due to the failed test I'm literally on the edge"

"But on the edge doesn't sound like you will fail"

"You don't understand. I actually wasn't that bad prepared when taking the test, but still failed with zero points"


"Yeah. I just don't get it, you know? I read the stuff, but really don't know what it's all about"

"How is that possible? I mean, I know you're not dumb, Mackie"

"I guess I took the first half of the year too easy and am now lacking those pieces to get the contexts"

"Understood. Then let's just have a look at it together. I mean it's just Biology and not Rocket Science, right?"

"You don't know what you're talking about, Lyz. It's not just talking about some plants and animals anymore. It's about life and cells and metabolism. They don't teach that at middle school"

"Well, if that's the case then all I can do is provide myself for some special studies", I tried to be funny and rose my eyebrows like Millhouse from the Simpsons show. Mack didn't like it:

"This is no joke, Lyz!"

"Sorry, just tried to lighten you up"

"Lyza, if I can't fix this, best case would be me flipping burgers at Wendy's. But more likely my Dad will just send me to fucking military school!"

"You gotta be kiddin'..."

"I'm not. Dad told me right from the start that he thinks the military academy would suite me best as far as career goes"

"I can't imagine you going to war...I don't wanna..."

"Me neither! But I know where he's coming from. I'm not that smart. High School is hard for me. I'm a big doofus, the military will love me...", he said smiling with a grim sense of humor. I knew it wasn't appropriate, but I cracked up by the way he said that ^^

"Sorry, but you're too funny, Mackie. Keep that and you'll make Biology", I assured him with a smile and then gave him a hug. He immediately returned it and held onto me for a few seconds.

"Thank you, Lyz!"

"You're welcome"

"Hey, how are you...you know...down there?", he changed the subject while we slowly left the school yard and caught me flat-footed. I put my hands on my crotch.

"I mean...wet...?", I asked and blushed heavily.

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