5.7 Uncaught - Hypersensitive

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When I saw Mack, I was immediately reminded of my dream again.

"Hey Lyz. Late again?", he teased me while we started walking off the property. I immediately looked at my watch.

"I'm not late at all!", I shouted back.

"Easy, easy. I was just messing with you", he giggled.

"Don't laugh at me", I told him hurt.

"Oh, sorry. Why are you so hypersensitive today? Stressed from your hiding games with your Mom?", he wondered and it dawned on me he was right. And I was sensitive because I liked him. I wanted him to be nice to me. I noticed him staring at me already.

"Uh...yeah and we also had some difficult encounters", I quickly answered and chuckled. He looked suspiciously at me.

"What's going on here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can't put my finger on it, yet. I was sure you'd tease me because of last night for example"

"Didn't you like it?..."

"That's exactly what I mean! Why so apologetic? Where's the witty remarks and the teasing?", he interrogated me. I knew exactly what he meant, but I didn't want to talk about those feelings until I was sure. It had just been a nightmare where nothing was real after all. Still I didn't want to leave him hanging there and so addressed the other thing on my mind.

"I can honestly tell you I just feel like shit after days of hell. And one thing is: I feel like shit for utilizing you and your kindness. I don't feel like joking about last night because it meant so much to me to finally be able to return a favor", I told him with tears in my eyes. He gulped.

"I'm sorry, Lyz. I guess I just underestimated how much weight you've been carrying around the last days. But let me tell you again that I'm always glad to help you out", Mack explained and then gave me a big hug. That last sentence - he had also been telling it to me in my dream, hadn't he? And the hug with his big body was also familar and I couldn't deny it felt different than the days before. Stronger.

"Now, did you like it?", I asked with big sad eyes after he let go of me.

"Are you kidding? It blew me absolutely away. I wouldn't have wondered if I died from a heart attack or something right then and there", he put on a naughty smile and wiped my tears away with his thumbs.

"Glad to hear that. And you can have an encore any time you want", I felt the need to add.

"Not too soon..."

"No?", I asked disappointed.

"I guess I need some time to heal, first", he chuckled.

"Oh, I see. But please don't hesitate to tell me as soon as you feel like it..."

"But I'm not sure if you should offer me your body...your services like that if you know what I mean"

"I didn't want to step on your toes, Mack. It's just that..."


"I'm afraid I need one more favor"

"YOU need one? That's fine. You really shouldn't feel bad just because you get helped out. But I guess it's a pride thing", he winked at me.

"I'm afraid it is indeed my pride"

"Make no bones about it. What is it, Lyz?", he asked and looked me in the eyes.

"Okay. I need you to diaper me again", I told him. Mack stopped walking.

"Oh, you don't wear one already? Or do you already need a change?", he asked, but regretted it as soon as he saw me blush heavily.

"No I...I..."

"I'm sorry I asked"

"No, it's just that...I can't do it myself. I mean not yet..."

"Damn, that's a pitty...so do you want me to diaper you every morning then?", he asked hesitantly.

"God no! Noo. It's just today...I really didn't want to ask you again, but I'm out of options before school...", I apologized.

"Don't worry. If it helped you a lot, I would diaper you daily, alright?", he smiled at me and suddenly I got this warm feeling in my chest. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you so much! But honestly I'm not sure where we could do it without taking a 20 minute detour"

"Lyz, you really should've told me earlier. I would've just changed you at home behind closed doors then...", Mack explained and it dawned on me that I had made another big mistake, but I guess I tried to delay my humilation as long as possible. Stupid me!

"Yeah, really sorry about that!"

"But I think I know where it might work", he said and smiled at me. I couldn't believe just how nice he was to me. I wanted to kiss and marry him badly. Not to rush things ^^

"And it will be on our way?", I asked him sheepishly.

"Well, technically it's on mine", he chuckled and so after I dumped the trash bag in a dumpster, we took another path.

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