5.34 Uncaught - Ignominious

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After the fun in my head had slowly fallen off, I wondered how Belinda was. Looking at my watch I could tell I still had about five minutes to check on her. Incredible if you think what had already happened during this break. I was somehow afraid she still wasn't home. So I rapidly went towards the nurse's room. To my surprise the door was open. I slowly got closer and the closer I got the more I heard what was going on in there.

"...no, you're wrong, Gloria! You can't just put my daughter in diapers! Hear me!? That's ignominious...", a male voice shouted from a distance.

"No, those are special pants...", the nurse answered. I took a glimpse inside and couldn't see any of them. They were in the other half of the room behind the divider.

"You can call it whatever you want, but this is a diaper!"

"Please calm down, Ben. I really didn't have much of a choice. Belle couldn't control her bowels anymore..."

"You're nuts! You should've just brought her to a bathroom stall until she felt better..."

"You don't understand. Ben, she had a mental and physical breakdown. It was important to monitor her health here and take care of her..."

"By putting her back in diapers?? My daughter doesn't need diapers!"

"Daddy, she's right. Please calm down! I'm sorry, Daddy...", Belinda defended the nurse.

"Belle, did you wet yourself?", he asked astonished.

"That's what I was talking about...", the nurse added.

"But why is she wearing dirty diapers then!? Shouldn't you at least give her a fresh one, Gloria!?"

"That was already a fresh one. I gave it to her right before you entered"

"Ew what's that smell!?", he asked indignantly.

"Oh no, not again! I already gave her tea to soothe her stomach"

"I'm so sorry, Daddy. But please stop shouting", Belinda whimpered.

"Oh, Belle, don't worry about it. I'll accompany you to the restrooms. You look very tired...", her Dad noticed in a suddenly much calmer voice.

"Yeah, the whole day was way too much for her, Ben. She needs to rest badly. You can shout at me all you want, but, please, do it outside", the nurse told him.

"No, no, I need to apologize to you, Gloria. I guess I just denied her state. I'm very sorry for my behavior"

"Forget about it, Ben. It's hard. I know that. And I hope Belle will be better soon. That's the only thing that matters right now"

"You're right"

"I put two fresh special pants in her bag for this very case"

"Thank you for everything! Belle, can you get your bag already? I'll follow in a minute", he told her and suddenly Belinda stood in front of me. She had come through the divider smiling slightly. But suddenly the happy face faded and she blushed.

"Lyza, what are you doing here??"

"I-I just wanted to check on you again. I was afraid nobody might have come, yet", I explained to her.

"Oh, wow, that's really nice of you, but my Dad's here to finally pick me up"

"That's great! I'm happy for you", I told her smiling trying to ignore the smell. She forced a smile herself, but stayed quiet and obviously didn't know what to say.

"I'll give you some wet-wipes to clean Belle up. You can just dispose them into the toilet...", we suddenly heard the nurse say to her Dad. Belinda closed her eyes in embarrassment.

"Hey, don't get upset about that", I tried to calm her a bit.

"I'm so sorry because you had to witness all of this..."

"Belle, don't worry about me. I'm fine and I hope you will be fine again soon, okay?", I ensured her and opened my arms.

"Okay, thank you", she said in tears and took the offer for an embrace.

"Please message me if you need to get something off your chest and of course when you're better"

"Promised. I think I will already be a bit better when I'm out of my smelly predicament"

"Yeah, I can imagine", I said wrinkling my nose jokingly and she couldn't help but busting out laughing. Then her Dad and the nurse joined us.

"Lyza?", the nurse wondered.

"Yeah, she just wanted to take care of me again", Belinda explained before I could say anything.

"So you are the girl who brought her home yesterday, right?", her Dad asked curiously.

"I am"

"You're a really good friend. Thank you also in behalf of my wife"

"Nevermind. And I don't want to bother you any longer..."

"Lyz, you don't...", Belinda tried to interrupt me.

"...and I also need to hurry back to the classroom", I added pointing at an imaginary watch.

"Oh, right. Sorry!"

"Have a nice day and you, Belle, get well soon", I bid goodbye and left the room. Behind me I overheard a few last words.

"Now let's clean you up", her Dad told her with some enthusiasm.

"You're not angry?"

"No, of course not. I'd say after the rough day you had I'll grant you a wish"

"What, really? Thank you! Will you make me a bath then, Daddy?"

"Sure, Belle", he added and I couldn't help but smile.

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