5.24 Uncaught - Feeling Shitty

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I quickly followed her. I could suddenly see the back of her pants. She was quite obviously wearing diapers. It didn't surprise me so much that the nurse gave her some protection, but rather the fact that these slacks did actually nothing to hide them from curious eyes. I caught up with her.

"Still feeling alright?"

"Yeah, just a little tummy ache", she answered briefly. Since I didn't want to force her into anything I stayed quiet. Just when we got close to the stairs she stopped and looked me into the eyes.

"Can I ask you something really personal?"

"Sure, Belle"

"How did you feel when you...you know..."

"Know what?", I asked because I didn't get it.

"...peed yourself", she added which took me by surprise. I hadn't expected this kind of question and almost grabbed my crotch in response.

"Oh that..."

"Sorry I asked..."

"Honestly? I didn't even notice at first"

"You weren't aware you were wetting yourself?"

"It must have been the adrenaline I guess. I only noticed when Alex told me about it", I explained and started laughing it off.

"That's odd. Did he make fun of you?"

"No, no, not at all. He was really nice about it and even accompanied me to the restrooms"

"I wouldn't have guessed that he could be a real gentleman"

"Me neither", I laughed and she joined in. But behind my eyes I was dying. I couldn't stop thinking about how the others had made fun of her accident earlier.

"I instantly thought about killing myself when IT happened you know...", she suddenly confessed in a monotone voice.

"I see. I felt the same when I realized I had actually been standing there the whole time in pissed pants right in front of Alex. And then again when I went the walk of shame out of the classroom because I knew EVERYONE had seen it"

"Yet you're here alive...how?", she asked with a serious look on her face.

"I don't know. These thoughts seem so powerful, but only as long as you're caught in the moment. Once it's over you're starting to see the light, you know?"

"But I don't see it"

"Because it is not over for you. You're still trapped here at school. You're still sick. There's still stuff that worries you. But once you got home, took a bath and had some sleep you'll start to feel better"

"A bath??"

"Yes, a bath. At least that always helped me", I explained and started giggling to which she smiled again.

"This sounds really nice. I'll give it a try once I'm finally home"

This ended our little chat and we went up the stairs and then down the hallway. Every now and then Belinda grasped her tummy in pain. After a while I suddenly heard a sound like someone had stepped in mud. Within the blink of an eye I realized the noise came from Belinda. I tried not to look at her directly, but in the corner of my eye I could see her blush. The poor girl had just shit herself again I guessed, but didn't know what to do about it. In no case I wanted to embarrass her, so I just acted like nothing had happened. But I noticed we were walking a bit slower now. After a while Belinda shyly looked over to me so I just turned to her as well and smiled back. That's when I noticed the smell. It was disgusting, but I tried to ignore it to not further upset Belinda. I saw she was walking a bit different now so it must have also been impeding her. I felt the need to say something, but managed to stop myself ^^

After another minute we finally arrived at the restroom. Gladly we were all alone there because the smell had gotten even worse. This one was a lot smaller than the other ones. It possessed only two stalls and one single sink.

"I'll wait outside", I announced so she didn't feel surveilled and to give her some privacy. Without saying a word she just walked in. The air instantly got better and I finally dared to breathe normally again. Her diapered bum caught my eye once more. It didn't look any different from before so it must have been only a little accident. But did that really make much of a difference?

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