6.25 Game Over - Visibility, Odor and Embarrassment

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"But you didn't have to. You could've just pointed at me, laughed and told my Mom about it. Instead you tried to dry my crotch with toilet paper..."

"...now that you mention it...I did...how come you remember so many details?"

"Because it was actually the first time I had gotten a stiffy...even though I had no clue what happened...", Mack told me giggling abashed.

"Really!?", I asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah sure. I mean you were rubbing over my penis through my pants trying to get them dry"

"I had no clue"

"How were you supposed to know? You were way too young. In hindsight I guess that was also the reason why we started...you know...exploring each other and stuff"

"Very interesting..."

"However I wasn't finished. After drying my pants hadn't worked out, you took me by my hand and walked me to my Mom confessing that it had been your fault. I remember that situation so well, because of how Mom reacted. She didn't shout at me or anything like she used to. Instead she was very nice to me and even helped me hide it from Dad and never mentioned it again. And I remember her raving about you because you took the blame even though you didn't need to. From then on she started to really like you", he told me with a smile.

"I remember how much fun your Mom and I had with the hairdryer because she didn't want to send me home in wet pants. Once there she talked to my Dad because she knew my Mom would've gone ballistic"

"Didn't you get in trouble anyway?"

"Yeah, because Dad eventually told Mom about it", I just shrugged.

"That's too bad. But the little Lyz still tried to help me out and I always found that very impressive for a seven year old..."

"...yeah and that's exactly why you don't need to bury your head in the sand", I assured him with a smile.

"Okay, thank you, Lyz!", he nodded and then I led him out of the park going further home.

At first Mack panicky covered the wet patch with his hands despite no one being around, but he eventually loosened up a bit ^^ Every now and then I took a glimpse at the stain when he looked the other way. I thought maybe I'd get used to it to the degree I didn't care, but the disgust didn't fade. Of course I felt compassion and wanted to help him, but there was no way I could find him sexy. I don't know. I guessed there was worse, but part of the attraction was him being tough and brave and those attributes didn't go along with him pissing his pants ^^ Back then even I feared I wouldn't be able to find him attractive again. I also came to the conclusion that just in case it happened to him more often that diapers were an okay solution to this. I guess I had thought a bit far ahead here ^^ But it helped me understand how horrible he felt despite me also peeing myself. The visibility, the odor and the embarrassment were the problem and the diaper solved each and every one of them. At least I thought so...

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