6.46 Game Over - Heaps Of Money

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"That was a failure I can tell you. We spent heaps of money only for a doctor to tell us that he hadn't thought it could work anyway"

"Oh, I don't even remember that"

"You had to wait outside. Your Dad was outraged. I feared he'd punch the old man in the face", Mom giggled while she wiped my panties dry. This lightened the mood enough for me to not care too much about getting belittled again. Mom finished my panties and wiped my legs and pubic area.

"Thanks, Mom"

"You're welcome, hun. Do you need to pee already?"

"Good idea. I don't know, I'll try", I announced and crouched down again. I only managed to leak a few drops.

"Better than nothing", she told me with a smile and wiped my vagina again. I looked at my panties and noticed that the whole crotch area had already been yellow. I quickly pulled them up and to my delight they were almost completely dry.

"Great job, Mom. They don't feel wet anymore"

"I gave my best for you, honey", she told me with a smile.

We left the puddle behind us and began our way towards uptown. After about ten minutes Mom asked me to take a leak again. Like most of the time I had already forgotten about it and quickly did what she had asked me for. It worked like a charm. I peed a little, she wiped my pussy and we continued our way. Then we were about to enter uptown. There were lots of people in the distance already. So Mom made me pee again because it was the last opportunity for a public pee. We did our procedure again and then Mom kissed me on the forehead. I was very thankful for her sympathy and support.

Walking through the people with damp and dirty panties was no fun. Of course no one could've seen it under my skirt, but I feared somebody might smell something. Mom had her hand on my back the whole way to the medical store which actually made it a lot easier for me. I was relieved when I finally read 'Colt's Medical Store'. I looked at the corner where Mack had eased nature days before and then remembered there had been a restroom on the opposite side.

"Mom, wait. I'll take a leak first just in case"

"Here!?", she wondered and I couldn't help but giggle ^^

"No, there's a restroom over there", I said pointing at the little restroom Mack had his bad diarrhea in.

"Oh, I didn't know that. Do you need help again?"

"I'm fine, thanks", I declined her offer and rushed into the bathroom.

It looked even smaller from the inside. There wasn't even a mirror. There was an empty spot above the little sink so I guess it either got stolen or shattered. This was bad because I wondered what I looked like after crying my eyes out earlier.

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